check clearcase vobtag before checking vob uuid to save much time on server with several clearcase repositories

Review Request #5166 — Created Dec. 26, 2013 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




build an ordered list of ClearCase repositories starting with the one matching vobstag
so check clearcase with matching vobstag first then fallback with uuid only to reduce HTTP queries about each rvb repository

found and caught a side issue when there are restricted repositories:
it will try to get info of all clearcase repo until one vobstag uuid matches
it gets a 403 error as soon as it tries getting info of a private and unaccessible for current user :-(

posting reviews against authorized clearcase repo with matching vobstag still works
posting reviews against authorized clearcase repo with no matching vobstag will work whereas there are some unauthorized clearcase repo in the list
posting reviews against unauthorized clearcase repo returns an error
