Handle internationalization in djblets.

Review Request #5090 — Created Dec. 10, 2013 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Handle internationalization in djblets.

This change does a bunch of stuff to get djblets ready for i18n. The various
pieces of this are: * Marking all strings for translation (most were already done). * Switching code that was using ugettext in a "static" context to use
ugettext_lazy instead. * Rearranging a little bit of the javascript to format localized strings into
underscore templates along with the data, rather than encoding text in the
template itself.

Testing done:
1. Generated the .po files and copied over some data from matching strings into the zh_TW .po one.
2. Compiled the .po files to .mo
3. In conjunction with some Review Board changes to include the djblets locale paths, loaded various things that used the djblets localization. Saw that text in both back-end python/template and front-end javascript code was translated.
