Update a bunch of stuff in the docs.

Review Request #4981 — Created Nov. 17, 2013 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Update a bunch of stuff in the docs.

I just did a read-through of the docs to check for things that are out of date.
Aside from having to completely rewrite the 'post-review' page, and many of our
screenshots being old and out of date, there were a few text changes that
needed to be made:

  • The reference to "Getting Started" in the codebase "Custom Forks" page wasn't
  • The "Unit Tests Fixtures" page still listed test_reviewrequests and didn't
    have any information about the new TestCase class.
  • The minimum browser versions still said we supported IE7.
  • The "What is Code Review" page had out of date information about the state of
    our support for post-commit review.
  • There was a typo in the paragraph about the "Bugs" field.
  • There was no documentation for the "Depends On" field.

Built user manual and codebase html and looked at the results.