Improve and fix a couple things in inlineEditor.

Review Request #4918 — Created Nov. 8, 2013 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Improve and fix a couple things in inlineEditor.

This adds a 'title' attribute to the "required" asterisk that says "This
field is required."

It also fixes a bug with setting the width of the editor when the
content wraps. We were previously setting min-width, and I believe this
was from before we properly fixed all the width calculations (to ensure
we had a minimum, and didn't have it shrink unintentionally). Removing
the min-width setting doesn't seem to negatively impact any cases where
we've used an inlineEditor.

Hovered over an asterisk and saw the tooltip.

Tested every inlineEditor I could find, with different sizes and with/without
OK/Cancel buttons enabled, and didn't see any breakages.