[WIP] First attempt at front-end reviewer suggestions

Review Request #4877 — Created Nov. 2, 2013 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


First attempt at the front-end for suggesting reviewers.. It works, but I think it's a bit messy in places and I'm not sure that everything is in the right place.

Clicking on a name in the suggestions adds to the target people list and pulls them off the suggestions, and hitting cancel puts them back into the suggestions.

experimented with the front-end and made sure that everything behaves as I expected:
- clicking on a suggestion when not in inline-edit mode opens the inline editor and adds the suggestion to the list, removing from suggestions list
- clicking on a suggestion when in inline-editor keeps the inline editor open and appends the suggestion, removing it from the suggestions list
- hitting cancel on the people's field throws out the added suggestions from the inline editor and adds them back to the suggestions list.
- opening another field's inline editor while the people's editor is open and has unsubmitted changes from suggestions, then hitting cancel on the other inline editor. This doesn't affect the suggestions list at all, nor the people field's current inline Edit contents. Hitting cancel on the People's inline edit field then behaves as it should (described above)
- Hitting ok on the inline editor after it has been modified by suggestions turns off inline edit mode while reflecting the changes, and keeps the suggestions list unaltered, then turning it on and hitting cancel doesn't add back to the suggestions list the suggestions that were pushed to the editor before the save.

Confirmed that unit tests passed.