[WIP] First attempt at front-end reviewer suggestions

Review Request #4877 — Created Nov. 2, 2013 and discarded


Review Board


First attempt at the front-end for suggesting reviewers.. It works, but I think it's a bit messy in places and I'm not sure that everything is in the right place.

Clicking on a name in the suggestions adds to the target people list and pulls them off the suggestions, and hitting cancel puts them back into the suggestions.

experimented with the front-end and made sure that everything behaves as I expected:
- clicking on a suggestion when not in inline-edit mode opens the inline editor and adds the suggestion to the list, removing from suggestions list
- clicking on a suggestion when in inline-editor keeps the inline editor open and appends the suggestion, removing it from the suggestions list
- hitting cancel on the people's field throws out the added suggestions from the inline editor and adds them back to the suggestions list.
- opening another field's inline editor while the people's editor is open and has unsubmitted changes from suggestions, then hitting cancel on the other inline editor. This doesn't affect the suggestions list at all, nor the people field's current inline Edit contents. Hitting cancel on the People's inline edit field then behaves as it should (described above)
- Hitting ok on the inline editor after it has been modified by suggestions turns off inline edit mode while reflecting the changes, and keeps the suggestions list unaltered, then turning it on and hitting cancel doesn't add back to the suggestions list the suggestions that were pushed to the editor before the save.

Confirmed that unit tests passed.

Description From Last Updated

This function should have a docstring saying what it does. That follows the form of: """One line summary Multi-line description. …


Blank line before this.


This is a bit complicated. I'd suggest breaking it up: q = User.objects.filter(...) q = q.distinct().order_by(...) return q[:5] Do you …


The other pages (for review UIs and the diff viewer) will also need this.


_beginEditField is too generic a name for this action.


Missing a doc comment.


Blank line after this. Also, you need some scoping so this doesn't search the entire page. You can use this.$('.suggest_user')


You should re-query here. Instead, in render(), store a reference to this element, and use that here.


Only one var statement per function, at the top, like this: var allPeople = ..., i;


Blank line before this, and remove the trailing whitespace.


There's some alignment and style guideline issues. For example, you should have spaces around operators (-, ==, etc.) Also, in …


A lot of the same comments about field references, variables, etc.


I don't think setEditFieldValue is a thing.


You can just use show() and hide() instead of setting a class for elements.


A lot of the same comments as above with variables, references, style guidelines. This seems to me that it does …


Blank line before this. Single quotes. ===


This line doesn't need to be removed.


Some general comments: The HTML tags should be indented relative to their parent tag. Template tags have the {% part …


I think my update indents correctly now, but correct me if I'm wrong.

EN endee

Ideally, <br /> shouldn't be used. Instead, make the thing below in a <div>.


CSS class names should use - instead of _ as separators.


I think this is doing a lot of unnecessary work. The .distinct() call should make the set() unnecessary, and converting …


This looks unused?


Did you test what happens if you click on suggestions both while the edit box is open and when it's …

  2. reviewboard/reviews/models.py (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    This function should have a docstring saying what it does. That follows the form of:

    """One line summary
    Multi-line description.
  3. reviewboard/reviews/models.py (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    Blank line before this.

  4. reviewboard/reviews/models.py (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    This is a bit complicated. I'd suggest breaking it up:

    q = User.objects.filter(...)
    q = q.distinct().order_by(...)
    return q[:5]

    Do you need set()? I would expect distinct() to take care of this.

    1. distinct() didn't seem to take care of it. But the use of set was just temporary until I get back to the back end code.

  5. reviewboard/reviews/views.py (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    The other pages (for review UIs and the diff viewer) will also need this.

  6. Show all issues

    _beginEditField is too generic a name for this action.

  7. Show all issues

    Missing a doc comment.

  8. Show all issues

    Blank line after this.

    Also, you need some scoping so this doesn't search the entire page. You can use this.$('.suggest_user')

  9. Show all issues

    You should re-query here. Instead, in render(), store a reference to this element, and use that here.

  10. Show all issues

    Only one var statement per function, at the top, like this:

    var allPeople = ...,
  11. Show all issues

    Blank line before this, and remove the trailing whitespace.

  12. Show all issues

    There's some alignment and style guideline issues.

    For example, you should have spaces around operators (-, ==, etc.)

    Also, in JavaScript, comparison should almost always be done with === and !== (the == and != versions do casting, and are slower... yes, it's weird).

  13. reviewboard/static/rb/js/views/reviewRequestEditorView.js (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    A lot of the same comments about field references, variables, etc.

  14. Show all issues

    I don't think setEditFieldValue is a thing.

    1. that's true, I added it to jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js, but forgot to post djblets changes for review.

  15. Show all issues

    You can just use show() and hide() instead of setting a class for elements.

  16. reviewboard/static/rb/js/views/reviewRequestEditorView.js (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    A lot of the same comments as above with variables, references, style guidelines.

    This seems to me that it does the same thing as _relayoutSuggestions above. Am I right? If so, we should just be using that function.

    Also, really, this function should not know about specific field types. Instead, we should probably have some new, optional methods in the entries for defaultFields that are called here when editing begins (beginEdit above) and when it ends (complete), so that the field itself can control this UI.

  17. Show all issues

    Blank line before this.

    Single quotes.


  18. reviewboard/templates/reviews/review_detail.html (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    This line doesn't need to be removed.

  19. reviewboard/templates/reviews/review_request_box.html (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    Some general comments:

    1. The HTML tags should be indented relative to their parent tag.
    2. Template tags have the {% part unindented, and then spaces between that and the template tag name indented 1 relative to the parent template tag, like:

      {% if foo %}
      {% for x in y %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% endif %}

    1. Hmm, that didn't format correctly. Should be:

      {% if foo %}
      {%  for x in y %}
      {%  endfor %}
      {% endif %}
  20. Show all issues

    Ideally, <br /> shouldn't be used. Instead, make the thing below in a <div>.

  21. Show all issues

    CSS class names should use - instead of _ as separators.

  1. Can you go through the current review and mark issues as resolved if your new diff addresses them?

  2. reviewboard/templates/reviews/review_request_box.html (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    I think my update indents correctly now, but correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. reviewboard/reviews/models.py (Diff revision 2)
    Show all issues

    I think this is doing a lot of unnecessary work. The .distinct() call should make the set() unnecessary, and converting to set/list will evaluate the entire queryset when all you care about is 5 objects.

    QuerySet implements slicing in a way that will avoid extraneous database access, so you can just do this:

    return q[:5]

  2. reviewboard/reviews/models.py (Diff revision 2)

    I was doing that before, and it didn't actually give me unique values, but the use of set was just a temporary hack so I could send something that appeared sensible to the front end... I plan to redo most of this method soon.

  2. Show all issues

    This looks unused?

  3. Show all issues

    Did you test what happens if you click on suggestions both while the edit box is open and when it's not?

    I'd like to see specific test cases you executed in the testing done, instead of just "behaves as I expected"

Review request changed
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More recent review request posted.