The reason I out this in a wrapper is because post-review will take the client and server that is set in the P4 ENV variables. By setting up the environment properly before running python post-review, users can submit reviews from multiple client specs without any hassle. I’m not sure how other places use clients but we have a separate client for each branch of software we release from. I could set up a compiled version of this but then I would need to make the command line arguments more robust. If you think that would be a better approach I can start working on that on Monday.
Maybe what we should do is have some Perforce-specific arguments in post-review for setting these variables instead of getting them from the environment.
Should I abandon this and make post-review.py more robust?
Sorry, missed your question before. Yeah, it might be worth making post-review more robust so that it can be used in other ways. Having these Perforce-specific arguments could be useful in all kinds of scripts.
post-review for P4win
Review Request #467 — Created July 24, 2008 and submitted
I have updated post-review to set the proper perforce environment. Before P4Tool.txt is imported into P4win, the user needs to enter the path of post-review. After it is imported they should be able to right click on any change list and by clicking post-review, post a review of the change list in perforce.
Thanks, committed as r1550. I don't use Windows and therefore don't use P4win, so I can't test this, but what happens if you need to log in? Does P4win provide any sort of a terminal UI where you can input this information, and does it show the resulting URL? We may want to modify this to use -o (for opening a web browser) after this is posted.