Improve resolving of file names from git diff files when paths contain whitespace

Review Request #4347 — Created July 19, 2013 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Improves resolving of file names from git diff files when paths contain whitespace.
Does not entirely solve the issue as it might incorrectly present file name with " b/" in path e.g.
diff --git a/repo/dir b/file.txt b/repo/dir b/file.txt
but still even in that case the output will be much better as previous "split()" just lost part of the information
- origFile = repo/dir 
- newFile = file.txt
after fix:
- origFile = repo/dir
- newFile = file.txt b/repo/dir b/file.txt

I dont think having " b/" in path is an often case :)

Further improvement could be to read the file names from +++ and --- lines in diff_line contains more than one occurrence of " b/"
Runs on our production instance