Switch over to file attachments entirely in place of screenshot uploading.

Review Request #3549 — Created Nov. 22, 2012 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Switch over to file attachments entirely in place of screenshot uploading.

This removes the ability to upload screenshots, and instead moves to
using file attachments for everything.

Dragging-and-dropping a file over the review request will just have a
big "Drop to Upload" link, instead of "Drop Screenshot" and
"Drop File Attachment."

The "Upload Screenshot" link on a review request is gone.

The entry for a non-repository review request now says
"(None - File attachments only)" instead of "(None - Graphics only)".
Tested that uploading an image went through the file attachment mode only.

Verified that all public ways of uploading a screenshot were removed.

Verified that the New Review Request form now says "File attachments only"
and not "Graphics only".