Corrected pep8 style

Review Request #3544 — Created Nov. 20, 2012 and discarded


Review Board


Adding feeds (django 1.4)

Only working for a user in his /dashboard/feed/<username>
This work has been based on the original work available
for reviewboard on previous version working with django 1.2
I tested it on Chromium and Internet Explorer 8.
The RSS feed has been feeding my quite RSS client

My boss wanted a way to be notified in the systray of new code review without being harrassed by mails.
Description From Last Updated

pep8 style, 2 lines

JS jsintal

pep8 style, 2 lines

JS jsintal

pep8 style, 2 l ines

JS jsintal

pep8 style, 2 lines

JS jsintal
  2. reviewboard/reviews/ (Diff revision 1)
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    pep8 style, 2 lines
  3. reviewboard/reviews/ (Diff revision 1)
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    pep8 style, 2 lines
  4. reviewboard/reviews/ (Diff revision 1)
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    pep8 style, 2 l ines
  5. reviewboard/reviews/ (Diff revision 1)
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    pep8 style, 2 lines 
  1. Looks like a cool feature, however I wish there was some info on testing done or at least a short explanation on how I can use the feature in my dev environment. Although, I think I have an idea. I will try that out.
  1. I think your summary and description got messed up. They should describe the overall change, leaving any description of intermediate changes to the "Describe your changes" box in the draft banner.
  1. I like the feature, and the code looks pretty good. How would you feel about trying to make this into an extension, rather than being part of the core product?
    1. The code isn't really mine, it was just the older code working for previous django that I happened to update to the new version of django. So I'm not really a talented guy, I just read the django updated doc.
      I really don't know how to create an extension for reviewboard. I guess it is just about to read docs, but right now, I don't have time, and since it is working at work, I won't be given more time on a feature that works. If I have free time, I might do it, but I can see free time no less than 6 or 8 months ahead ;)
    2. Can I take this and convert into an extension. I've started doing couple of extensions that I'm planning to put out and since the code is already here, the task of converting to an extension shouldn't be too hard. Please let know if its okay.
      On the patch, I dont see RssGroupReviewsFeed being used, its present in the code but there is no entry in for this. That could work  for something like /feed/groups/<groupname> . 
    3. I give you full permission on that (even though you could have done it without my permission, it is free software after all ;) But thank you for asking).
      If you can make an extension out of that, it would be even better.
      In fact, for the RssGroupReviewsFeed, I didn't use it because I had a real focus on 1 person for my work. So if you can add an url to that, it would be better. At least, the code wouldn't be implemented for nothing ;)
    4. In fact, when rethinking about that, I should have added 2 feeds for users
      1 personnal in /dashboard/feed/ to show what you have to do
      1 for each user in /users/{username}/feed/ to show what others have in their pipe
      and to copy, maybe for groups it should be
      It would seem more RESTful looking and more coherent with the current data in
      What do you think ?
    5. Sorry for not getting back earlier. Ive converted this to an extension and posted it at Based on the discussion that we had at!topic/reviewboard-dev/UhXPAkywZVE, it was arrived that the official rb-extension-pack wont be an area for storing third party extensions, so Ive kept it locally in my rb-extension-pack fork. 
    6. Excellent ! I'll give it a try when I'm installing the real deal !
Review request changed