Increase hit target for expand/collapse button
Review Request #3365 — Created Sept. 28, 2012 and submitted
Increase hit target for expand/collapse button Increase the size of the expand and collapse button images to make it a bigger hit target. This reduces the chances of someone accidentally clicking the user's name while trying to expand/collapse a review. Fixes Issue #2358
Tested it locally on Chrome Version 22.0.1229 (Mac)
Description | From | Last Updated |
Can you tweak the CSS to center these vertically within the bar? There's too much padding on top and not … |
david |
- Change Summary:
Increase sizes of images by 2 pixels on each side to increase hit target. Adjusted CSS accordingly to reflect the new width and height.
- Description:
Increase hit target for expand/collapse button
~ Increase the right-padding attribute of the expand/collapse button
~ (beside reviewer's name when viewing any review) to increase the hit ~ target. This reduces the chances of someone accidentally clicking the ~ Increase the size of the expand and collapse button images to make it
~ a bigger hit target. This reduces the chances of someone accidentally ~ clicking the user's name while trying to expand/collapse a review. - user's name while trying to expand/collapse a review. Fixes Issue #2358
- Change Summary:
Added screenshots of changes from revision 2
after.png: AfterAfter (rev1) - Screenshots:
After (Collapsed - rev2)After (Expanded - rev2)
Do you mind not cropping the screenshots quite as much? I'd like to see more area. Please also add the images you changed as file attachments to the review request.
- Change Summary:
Added bigger screenshots and added resized images
- Added Files:
- Screenshots:
After (Collapsed - rev2)After (Expanded - rev2)After (Collapsed - rev2)After (Expanded - rev2)
- Change Summary:
Tweaked CSS padding settings to vertically center expand/collapse buttons as well as the content beside the buttons.
- Diff:
Revision 3 (+11 -5)
- Screenshots:
Collapsed (vertically centered)Expanded (vertically centered)