Dashboard bugs column as clickable links to bug tracker system (if defined)

Review Request #3275 — Created Aug. 13, 2012 and discarded


Review Board


Makes the bug numbers into clickable links if a bug tracker system is associated with the review.
Tested on local environment with and without a bug tracker template.
Description From Last Updated

Imports must be alphabetized.


Two blank lines between classes.


I know some older classes don't do this right, but this should be: super(Column, self).__init__(_('Bugs'), ...)


No space before ':'


You can actually simplify this with the very neat Python generators: return ','.join([ '%s' % (bug_url % bug, url) for …


This should include the format, and ideally say "... when rendering bugs column". So: logging.warning('Invalid bug tracker format when rendering …


Two blank lines.


Alignment issues. Make sure you're not using tabs in any code. It should always be 4 space indentation.


No need for the \, since it's in parens.


We can just unconditionally return this at the end. No need to do it once in the exception handler and …


Can you make the = align with the other columns?


Alignment issue.


Probably should be ", ", actually. A space will make it look nicer, and will allow it to wrap if …


Blank line between these.

  1. This looks like a good addition! There's some style things to fix up, and there's a nice trick you can use, but the logic looks generally fine.
  2. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 1)
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    Imports must be alphabetized.
  3. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues
    Two blank lines between classes.
  4. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 1)
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    I know some older classes don't do this right, but this should be:
    super(Column, self).__init__(_('Bugs'), ...)
    1. I presume this should be: super(BugsColumn, self).__init__(_('Bugs'), ...) ?
    2. Oops, yes.
  5. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues
    No space before ':'
  6. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 1)
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    You can actually simplify this with the very neat Python generators:
    return ','.join([
        '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (bug_url % bug, url)
        for bug in bugs
  7. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 1)
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    This should include the format, and ideally say "... when rendering bugs column". So:
    logging.warning('Invalid bug tracker format when rendering bugs column: %s' % bug_url)
  8. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues
    Two blank lines.
  2. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 2)
    Show all issues
    Alignment issues.
    Make sure you're not using tabs in any code. It should always be 4 space indentation.
    1. I really ought to review PEP 8. I found a cool vim plugin that will help me out in the future at least.
  3. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 2)
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    No need for the \, since it's in parens.
  4. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 2)
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    We can just unconditionally return this at the end. No need to do it once in the exception handler and once in the else statement.
  5. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 2)
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    Can you make the = align with the other columns?
  1. This looks good in general, but one thing I'd like to see is the links become blue and underlined in the dashboard, so it's clear they're clickable.
    You can have a class for the column and use that to key off the CSS.
  2. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 3)
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    Alignment issue.
  3. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues
    Probably should be ", ", actually. A space will make it look nicer, and will allow it to wrap if there's a large number of bugs.
  4. reviewboard/reviews/datagrids.py (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues
    Blank line between these.
Review request changed