Move reviewboard.utils and emailtags into Djblets

Review Request #239 — Created Feb. 12, 2008 and submitted


Navi (deprecated)


Moved all of reviewboard.utils and into djblets.util.

The template tags have been split into sections: djblets_utils (which has most of the old htmlutils), djblets_email (which has the old emailtags), djblets_deco (which contains the box tags), and djblets_js (which for now contains only the JavaScript dialog serialization code).

The Review Board side of this change will be in a separate review request.
Made sure Review Board's unit tests test Djblets and that everything works fine. Went to all the main Review Board pages without problems.
  1. Can you add copyright headers to all the files that don't have them?  You got one...
    Other than that, looks good.
    1. Cool. Diff updated and committing.