Can you change this to: siteconfig = SiteConfiguration.objects.get_current() This will guarantee it goes through our SiteConfiguration object cache/manager.
Can you change this to: "New Review Board user registration for %s" % user.username David may have better ideas for the subject.
I know the other unit tests aren't in this style, but please change this to "test_new_user_email". We're slowly migrating to this style for unit test functions.
Always a space after the : Also, when you have a lot to list, do: new_user_info = { 'username': ..., ... } One last thing: best to use @example.com for test e-mail addresses.
First should be a get, I believe. Then do a post. Can you group the two gets/posts together, and have the comment before it? (Plus a blank line before the comment.)
The "[Django] " shouldn't be hard-coded. Instead, replace "[Django ]" with settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX.
Support email notification to admins of new registered users
Review Request #2309 — Created April 22, 2011 and submitted
Support email notification to admins of new registered users Everytime a new user has registered, Review Board will send notification email to site admins. However, site admins have an option to turn it off.
Unit and manual tested.
- Change Summary:
Thanks for advices from Christian. This patch is a fix according to that.
- Testing Done:
+ Unit and manual tested.
- Bugs:
- Diff:
Revision 2 (+135 -4)