Improve Review Board's interaction with the multi-touch model on the iPad and iPhone

Review Request #1592 — Created May 16, 2010 and submitted


Review Board


This change fixes up a number of interaction problems on multi-touch devices (primarily the iPad and iPhone).

Previously, diff commenting and screenshot commenting were quite broken.

In the diff viewer, clicks on comment flags would pop up a tooltip, and it would take a second click to pop up a comment dialog. Once the comment dialog was open, it couldn't be moved or resized, and it would appear well below the comment flag. You couldn't comment on more than one line, either.

On the screenshot page, you couldn't even get to a comment dialog for an existing flag.

Now creating comments and looking at existing ones works completely as expected on the iPhone and iPad. The comment dialog can be moved and resized, and it appears in the right place. There are some oddities sometimes when moving the dialog, as the dialog will slightly resize, though I think this may be due to some weird interaction with the jQuery.ui.resizable element, which I'm still looking into. All in all, though, it's not bad, and only resizes a small amount.

There are other fixes in here too. The "Close" menu on the review request actions bar will now hide when clicked a second time, instead of persisting on the screen. The comment flags on the screenshot page are larger and easier to hit as well.

I'll be working on some other changes to make it easier to tap various elements on the pages on the iPhone/iPad later. For now, though, this makes Review Board much more usable on these devices.
Created various comments on the diff viewer and screenshot pages of various sizes and they appeared as expected. I could look at existing comment flags too.

I was able to move around and resize the comment dialogs.

I was able to show and hide the Close menu.

I tested this on Safari on the iPhone, Safari on the iPad, and Firefox 3.6. The majority of the changes don't affect anything but iPhone/iPad (due to being touchpad events) and the rest of the changes are mostly stylistic, which don't appear to break anything.
  1. Looks good, but I'd like to see testing in all the standard browsers in your testing done.
Review request changed
Testing Done:

Created various comments on the diff viewer and screenshot pages of various sizes and they appeared as expected. I could look at existing comment flags too.


I was able to move around and resize the comment dialogs.


I was able to show and hide the Close menu.


I tested this on Safari on the iPhone, Safari on the iPad, and Firefox 3.6. The majority of the changes don't affect anything but iPhone/iPad (due to being touchpad events) and the rest of the changes are mostly stylistic, which don't appear to break anything.