Switch entry, review, and comment header styling to Flexbox.

Review Request #14285 — Created Jan. 2, 2025 and updated


Review Board


The styling for review request entries (reviews, etc.) and comment
headers now use Flexbox, which helps us manage styles more consistently
and avoids some hacks and workarounds to get things to line up in mobile
and desktop modes correctly.

This is necessary for some in-progress work on user badges, which impact
the layout of this area.

Tested the styling for reviews, changes, and status updates, in both
expanded and collapsed mode.

Tested these on both mobile and desktop at various widths.

Tested with in-progress changes for user badges.

Checked alignment on the text to make sure everything lined up

Summary ID
Switch entry, review, and comment header styling to Flexbox.
The styling for review request entries (reviews, etc.) and comment headers now use Flexbox, which helps us manage styles more consistently and avoids some hacks and workarounds to get things to line up in mobile and desktop modes correctly. This is necessary for some in-progress work on user badges, which impact the layout of this area.

Description From Last Updated

Can you switch this to #rb-ns-pages.base.on-shell-mobile-mode since .on-mobile-medium-screen-720 is deprecated? Or you can do #rb-ns-ui.screen.on-width-lte(720px, ...) if this really depends …

Review request changed
Change Summary:

Tweaked spacing just a bit to give some breathing room when badges are added.

Summary ID
Switch entry, review, and comment header styling to Flexbox.
The styling for review request entries (reviews, etc.) and comment headers now use Flexbox, which helps us manage styles more consistently and avoids some hacks and workarounds to get things to line up in mobile and desktop modes correctly. This is necessary for some in-progress work on user badges, which impact the layout of this area.
Switch entry, review, and comment header styling to Flexbox.
The styling for review request entries (reviews, etc.) and comment headers now use Flexbox, which helps us manage styles more consistently and avoids some hacks and workarounds to get things to line up in mobile and desktop modes correctly. This is necessary for some in-progress work on user badges, which impact the layout of this area.

Checks run (2 succeeded)

flake8 passed.
JSHint passed.
  2. Show all issues

    Can you switch this to #rb-ns-pages.base.on-shell-mobile-mode since .on-mobile-medium-screen-720 is deprecated? Or you can do #rb-ns-ui.screen.on-width-lte(720px, ...) if this really depends on the 720 pixel size.
