Remove the custom console.assert and shim functions.

Review Request #13720 — Created April 8, 2024 and submitted


Review Board


We've historically had some console.* shims, which were put in place
back when browsers weren't guaranteed to provide these functions. They
haven't been needed in a very long time.

We did have a custom console.assert() method, which went beyond the
standard behavior and raised an exception when an assertion failed.
The standard behavior in browsers is to log the assertion but continue
on. While an error probably makes more sense, it's better to go with
default behavior and not impact any libraries that we may be using.

Notably, using the standard console.assert() guarantees that
message formatting string values will be respected. We could have
patched our version to support this, but we'd have to have written
our own string parsing for the exception. It's nicer to just let the
native version handle all assertion logic.

Verified this fixed issues in my assertions, and that I had no trouble
using console methods.

Summary ID
Remove the custom console.assert and shim functions.
We've historically had some `console.*` shims, which were put in place back when browsers weren't guaranteed to provide these functions. They haven't been needed in a very long time. We did have a custom `console.assert()` method, which went beyond the standard behavior and raised an exception when an assertion failed. The standard behavior in browsers is to log the assertion but continue on. While an error probably makes more sense, it's better to go with default behavior and not impact any libraries that we may be using.
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-7.x (7c57a7e)