Add the tips carousel to the review dialog.

Review Request #13173 — Created Aug. 1, 2023 and submitted


Review Board


With the change to pop up the review dialog as soon as a user clicks
"Create a new review", I worry that we're exacerbating the problem we've
always had of users not knowing how to create comments. This change adds
a new carousel of tips to the bottom of the review dialog, explaining
how to use comments and reviews.

Opened the review dialog for both empty and non-empty reviews. Saw that
when the review was empty, I saw the tips. The tips carousel starts in
auto-cycle mode, and I was able to cycle forward and backward through
the list.

Summary ID
Add the tips carousel to the review dialog.
With the change to pop up the review dialog as soon as a user clicks "Create a new review", I worry that we're exacerbating the problem we've always had of users not knowing how to create comments. This change adds a new carousel of tips to the bottom of the review dialog, explaining how to use comments and reviews. Testing Done: Opened the review dialog for both empty and non-empty reviews. Saw that when the review was empty, I saw the tips. The tips carousel starts in auto-cycle mode, and I was able to cycle forward and backward through the list.

Description From Last Updated

Do you think some users would get annoyed of the tips carousel? I feel like I might after a while. …


I feel like this might look nice within an info alert. How does this look at the top of the …


These lines are too long. The _ template literal will happily wrap and condense whitespace.


I think it'd be nice to add something like this: "For more information on reviewing code and documents, visit our …


Missing localization.


Let's dedent this. No need to preserve the extra whitespace in the generated bundle.

  2. I feel like this could use (a lot) more content. Please let me know if you have any ideas.

  2. Show all issues

    I feel like this might look nice within an info alert.

    How does this look at the top of the dialog? That feels like a more stable location.

    1. I like the idea of putting this in an info alert, it does need more of a visual separation from the rest of the review dialog.

    2. The top of the dialog feels super weird.

  3. Show all issues

    These lines are too long. The _ template literal will happily wrap and condense whitespace.

  4. Show all issues

    Missing localization.

  5. Show all issues

    Let's dedent this. No need to preserve the extra whitespace in the generated bundle.

  2. Show all issues

    I think it'd be nice to add something like this:

    "For more information on reviewing code and documents, visit our documentation."

  2. Show all issues

    Do you think some users would get annoyed of the tips carousel? I feel like I might after a while. We could add an X in the top right corner so that users can minimize the info alert, and when minimized it becomes just a "Show tips" link that they can click on to expand the full tips carousel again. And have this preference saved between reviews.

    1. I think it's probably not super intrusive because it only appears when there are no comments, but we can definitely make it hideable. I think I'd prefer to to that in a separate change, though.

    2. Sounds good.

  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-6.x (dc41224)