Fixing assumption that git master is svn trunk

Review Request #1307 — Created Dec. 22, 2009 and submitted




post-review assumes that master is tracking your svn trunk when the GitClient makes an svn diff, this patch uses the parent_branch instead of hard-coding master which fixes the issue when master is not the same as svn trunk.
This works well in my environment, there where no tests for this functionality.
  2. rbtools/ (Diff revision 1)
    Would the local parent_branch parameter not be appropriate?
    1. I agree with Christian, the local parameter is equivalent here. I didn't touch the git-svn stuff when I changed the git part because I don't use git-svn frequently and wasn't sure I understood all the use cases. It'd be great to add a set of unit tests for git-svn diffs too so we at least spell out the use cases we expect to work.
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Yes, parent branch will work for this case. To that end, I've amended the original patch.
  1. Looks good, thanks! Committed as r7c2e318.