Ease restrictions on installing into non-empty site directories.

Review Request #12997 — Created April 30, 2023 and updated — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


rb-site install will now permit installing into a site directory that
contains only a venv folder. This is to enable deployments where a
virtual environment is first set up in the destination sitedir, and then
the installed rb-site is used to populate the sitedir.

There's also a --allow-non-empty-sitedir option for advanced use,
which bypasses the empty sitedir check.

Tested installing into a populated sitedir. It gave me the expected error.

Tested installing into a new location. Installation was allowed.

Tested installing into a directory containing just a venv directory.
Installation was allowed.

Tested installing into an empty directory. Installation was allowed.

Tested installing into a populated sitedir and using
--allow-non-empty-sitedir. Installation was allowed.

