Add a P4 trigger script and P4V configurations for RBTools.

Review Request #12977 — Created April 21, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




The new p4-trigger-script interfaces with RBTools and Perforce to
enable administrators to integrate their Perforce servers with Review
Board. It offers options for requiring submitted changes to have review
requests, to require those review requests to be approved, and to
auto-close review requests.

There's also a new set of P4V configurations, which replace the ancient
P4Win configuration (which still mentioned post-review). These are
available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, and allow users to post/update
review requests right from P4V.

Tested all the options in the trigger script locally.

Tested P4V on macOS and on Windows locally. A customer tested it on
Windows as well.

Verified the contents rendered correctly in the README.

