Add base support for running Jasmine unit tests.

Review Request #12910 — Created March 23, 2023 and submitted




This adds the beginnings of unit test support for Spina. We now have a
npm run test command that will invoke Jasmine on our test suite,
verifying that we don't regress and that everything behaves as expected.

For DOM-related tests (needed for BaseView), we make use of jsdom,
which simulates a DOM. This works along with jQuery. An in-memory
environment is set up before tests are run. No browser environment is
required for this.

Currently, there are no tests, but those will be coming along with some
in-progress work to fix and tighten up base object support.

Tested along with in-progress unit tests, which pass.

Summary ID
Add base support for running Jasmine unit tests.
This adds the beginnings of unit test support for Spina. We now have a `npm run test` command that will invoke Jasmine on our test suite, verifying that we don't regress and that everything behaves as expected. For DOM-related tests (needed for `BaseView`), we make use of `domjs`, which simulates a DOM. This works along with jQuery. An in-memory environment is set up before tests are run. No browser environment is required for this. Currently, there are no tests, but those will be coming along with some in-progress work to fix and tighten up base object support.
Description From Last Updated

In your description, you say domjs, but I think you mean jsdom.

  2. Show all issues

    In your description, you say domjs, but I think you mean jsdom.

Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to master (8a5cc42)