Rewrite the docs for What Is Code Review? and Workflows.

Review Request #12838 — Created Feb. 23, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Our docs on "What is Code Review?" and "Workflow" were really old,
brief, and haven't kept up with modern times.

The "What is Code Review?" docs have been expanded to more clearly lay
out the importance of code review, and to go over the various types.
This includes Pre/Post-commit review as before, and introduces
Peer/Human Code Review and Automated Code Review.

These are in simple bullet point definition form, with descriptions
going into more detail and links to related documentation. This makes it
more easy to skim.

The workflow docs have been renamed to "Review Board Workflows". These
now have expanded sections for pre-commit and post-commit workflows that
link to relevant documentation, and a list of guides specific to certain
SCMs (Git, ClearCase/VersionVault, and Cliosoft SOS).

Built and viewed the docs. Checked for links, spelling errors, and
build errors.

