Modernize and flesh out the documentation for rbt status-update.

Review Request #12191 — Created March 21, 2022 and submitted




This is a full rewrite of the rbt status-update docs, which starts off
by talking about what status updates are and where they're used.

It then provides a full set of descriptions, usage, and options for each
subcommand. These sections provide guidance on the subcommand, showing
how they're used, and demonstrating the standard and JSON output.

The section on setting status updates offers information on what's
needed when creating a status update and what should be provided when
modifying one.

There's also information on upgrading from the old RBTools 1/2 form of
rbt status-update <options> <action> to the new subcommand form.

rbt status-update itself has had two small tweaks made. A help string
has been updated to read better, and deleting a status update now
provides some basic feedback (previously it didn't output anything,
which was confusing).

Built the docs. Read through, checking for bad links, build errors, and
spelling errors.

Summary ID
Modernize and flesh out the documentation for rbt status-update.
This is a full rewrite of the `rbt status-update` docs, which starts off by talking about what status updates are and where they're used. It then provides a full set of descriptions, usage, and options for each subcommand. These sections provide guidance on the subcommand, showing how they're used, and demonstrating the standard and JSON output. The section on setting status updates offers information on what's needed when creating a status update and what should be provided when modifying one. There's also information on upgrading from the old RBTools 1/2 form of `rbt status-update <options> <action>` to the new subcommand form. `rbt status-update` itself has had two small tweaks made. A help string has been updated to read better, and deleting a status update now provides some basic feedback (previously it didn't output anything, which was confusing).
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-3.x (1a63e1a)