Fixed the signature in the email sent when the review request is closed by admin

Review Request #12029 — Created Feb. 3, 2022 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Currently, when users with admin rights close the review request,
the email template shows the wrong name in the signature at the
bottom of the e-mail content.

This change involves replacing the review_request.submitter
with user to display the name of the admin / user that
closed the review request instead of the owner of the
review request.

Added unit test to

I have also included the screenshots that show the changes:

  1. This screenshot shows the TXT e-mail that is created when
    I re-opened the review request and published it. My name is
    in the signature of the e-email.

  2. This screenshot shows the TXT e-mail that is created when
    a user with admin rights closed the review request (discarded).
    The name of the user with admin rights (superUser Admin) is
    in the signature of the e-mail.

