Run code safety checks when generating a diff and show results.

Review Request #11907 — Created Jan. 4, 2022 and submitted


Review Board


The diff viewer now interfaces with the new code safety checkers,
looking for unsafe content during diff generation, before anyone but the
owner is able to view the diff.

Scanners are run per-line, and any warnings or errors from the checker
will be stored along with that line and in a global list in the chunk

Anything found on a line will cause that line to display a red warning
symbol. Hovering over that will show a summary of what was found. The
top of the file will also show an alert from the safety checker
detailing what was found.

The per-line and per-file information is also available through the Diff
Context API, since it's just part of the resulting file/chunk

The current trojan code safety checker we have deals with
possibly-malicious Unicode characters. As such, there's also support for
highlighting these characters, using a new CSS component, rb-o-duc.
DUCs are Displayed Unicode Characters. They are a simple <span>
containing the codepoint and the character entity.

DUCs default to safely showing the codepoint in a little box, instead of
rendering the character. They can be toggled to render instead, by
setting the -hide-ducs CSS modifier class on the .sidebyside element
for the diff viewer. The render toggling happens purely in CSS.

Hovering over a DUC will show information on the Unicode character. Note
that DUCs are not provided for all Unicode characters, only those that a
code safety checker has highlighted.

The trojan code checker provides the button used for toggling those

Unit tests pass on Python 2 and 3.

Tested this with the Trojan Source code checker, using the source files

Summary ID
Run code safety checks when generating a diff and show results.
The diff viewer now interfaces with the new code safety checkers, looking for unsafe content during diff generation, before anyone but the owner is able to view the diff. Scanners are run per-line, and any warnings or errors from the checker will be stored along with that line and in a global list in the chunk generator. Anything found on a line will cause that line to display a red warning symbol. Hovering over that will show a summary of what was found. The top of the file will also show an alert from the safety checker detailing what was found. The per-line and per-file information is also available through the Diff Context API, since it's just part of the resulting file/chunk information. The current trojan code safety checker we have deals with possibly-malicious Unicode characters. As such, there's also support for highlighting these characters, using a new CSS component, `rb-o-duc`. DUCs are Displayed Unicode Characters. They are a simple `<span>` containing the codepoint and the character entity. DUCs default to safely showing the codepoint in a little box, instead of rendering the character. They can be toggled to render instead, by setting the `-hide-ducs` CSS modifier class on the `.sidebyside` element for the diff viewer. The render toggling happens purely in CSS. Hovering over a DUC will show information on the Unicode character. Note that DUCs are not provided for all Unicode characters, only those that a code safety checker has highlighted. The trojan code checker provides the button used for toggling those characters.

Description From Last Updated

F821 undefined name 'format_html'


I'm not sure what this variable name means.


Seems like something that should be logged as well?


This seems like it should be part of a different change. Same with the other JS/CSS related to ducs.

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)
flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  2. Show all issues

    I'm not sure what this variable name means.

  3. reviewboard/diffviewer/templatetags/ (Diff revision 2)
    Show all issues

    Seems like something that should be logged as well?

  4. reviewboard/static/rb/js/diffviewer/views/diffReviewableView.es6.js (Diff revision 2)
    Show all issues

    This seems like it should be part of a different change. Same with the other JS/CSS related to ducs.

    1. These are part of the change. This is the client-side rendering of the results of Unicode-related results from the safety checkers. It's in the change description.

  1. Ship It!
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-5.0.x (4553213)