Add to pre 1.1 version of Reviewboard

Review Request #1177 — Created Oct. 23, 2009 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Added to pre 1.1 version (viz. release- of Reviewboard. The tool for setting up a quick test/dev server with RB 1.1 is really easy to use. I missed it when I tried to go to a stable version for some testing/hacking.

I've simply copied the template and script for setting up a quick dev server. I suspect the extra 1.1 template settings are not appropriate so this review uses a completely different name. I do no expect this change to be accepted as is!

Main diffs are:

1) adds from 1.1 BUT with some tweaks so that it works for
2) updated (well renamed) template file, defaults to sqlite, etc. May well have some 1.1 specific settings in it that should not be there
3) I ended up removing the site.sync_database(allow_input=True) call - under 1.1 I found this did not work and a manual syncdb call was needed.

If the approach is approved, I'm happy to update and remove the commented out code and update the template (with content from 1.1).
git clone git://
cd reviewboard
git checkout release-
# branch....

# hack attached diffs

python contrib/internal/
reviewboard/ syncdb