[WIP] Visual Impairment Selector

Review Request #11559 — Created March 27, 2021 and updated — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


The visual impairment selector menu will provide reviewers the
opportunity to view an image with a filter applied that will
simulate specific visual impairment conditions that center on how
an indivudal percieves colour. This menu and the image resolution
menu will exist on an image menu toolbar below the caption to prevent
conflicts with long captions when the screen is small.

Currently the VIS has been modelled after the image resolution/zoom
menu. Images have been attached to demonstrate the different simulations
for the Achromatopsia, Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and Tritanopia
conditions in the Attachment, Onion Skin, Split and Two-Up image views.

Outstanding Tasks:
-Apply conditions to the "Difference" revision view
-Create the Presbyopia filter

For more details of the implementation that has been completed and the
outstanding tasks for the project please refer to my notion page of the
implementation progress of the project:

Manual testing was conducted on the attachment, two-up, split, and onion
skin view for the Achromatopsia, Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and Tritanopia

