Adding Review Commands

Review Request #11502 — Created March 3, 2021 and discarded




We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which
itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some
users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be
useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as
adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have
integrations for). This review request is dependent upon the JSON output object from r#11521.

Manually tested all commands so far and documented on Notion. Also added and ran new tests in rbtools/commands/tests/

Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
71326e2dc6bc97a01030de44affe588b9f21a7e1 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
195de49d5a5ce6b1979556f85ed9b31b0e7da06a anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
3c36f63b5ae8e656f55c01d0ce335bf119e9a61b anahita-m
Adding subcommand class and restructuring review command with subparsers
5f802fb4a6be325044800fb4cf7d757314dde9ac anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues on
d064c6470393a840b48132175529c84efe9be196 anahita-m
Added misssing options for File Attachment Comments
7b70b35e7fed9cb97c0219d277d3d91270d6e95f anahita-m
Editing review tests based off command restructuring
5ec4fdc3608d67ab2698ed0cf94684b06170171b anahita-m
Adding repository, server, and global options to subparsers as well
84c9bc49e456170fc573aae84d1d9289363d6640 anahita-m
ensuring that empty comments can't be added
d04c4bc18e0c5cd2b3f3e175a9832bcd66603c26 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
d1fb4c9b4a2ac41622e2d069dbc1df728af79b54 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
4f7bb7547af17cd64280cf65f701139cf5e0e446 anahita-m
Adding --json output on subparsers
1e5f3c0a3e1dab8ba83e98dfe756d37ef46841ea anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues
8401d70d9ff2f9c17ebe5d472fa85e950da12b4d anahita-m
fixing error message for matching files > 1 for add-diff-comment subcommand to include the passed filename
81c91d321e6acdb7f74d7a58d1fd478f946c38c9 anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues in
74be2931d947a5d9865b4ad05809ad49d6c1215d anahita-m
making minor edit to error message
58144e4a1a4e56ead9cf04785aef9511546373ce anahita-m
Description From Last Updated



F401 'rbtools.commands.Option' imported but unused


F401 'rbtools.utils.review_request.get_revisions' imported but unused


F401 'rbtools.utils.review_request.guess_existing_review_request' imported but unused


F401 'rbtools.utils.review_request.get_draft_or_current_value' imported but unused


E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)


F841 local variable 'review' is assigned to but never used


F821 undefined name 'e'


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E501 line too long (106 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


W293 blank line contains whitespace


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented


E231 missing whitespace after ','


W292 no newline at end of file


F401 'rbtools.commands.Option' imported but unused


F401 'rbtools.utils.review_request.get_revisions' imported but unused


F401 'rbtools.utils.review_request.guess_existing_review_request' imported but unused


F401 'rbtools.utils.review_request.get_draft_or_current_value' imported but unused


E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


F841 local variable 'review' is assigned to but never used


E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (106 > 79 characters)


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E231 missing whitespace after ','


F821 undefined name 'e'


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


W293 blank line contains whitespace


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented


E231 missing whitespace after ','


W292 no newline at end of file


E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E303 too many blank lines (2)


E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals


W291 trailing whitespace


F841 local variable 'review_draft' is assigned to but never used


F841 local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used


F841 local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used


F841 local variable 'review_draft' is assigned to but never used


F841 local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used


E303 too many blank lines (4)


W291 trailing whitespace


F841 local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used


F841 local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used


F841 local variable 'review' is assigned to but never used


F841 local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used


E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (120 > 79 characters)


F841 local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters)


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (94 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (90 > 79 characters)


E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals


E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals


E501 line too long (98 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E722 do not use bare except'


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E722 do not use bare except'


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


E225 missing whitespace around operator


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


E999 IndentationError: expected an indented block


E112 expected an indented block


E113 unexpected indentation


W291 trailing whitespace


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


This should be in sentence case. But even better would be to use option groups to keep things together. See …


When we include short options, we only do single characters. Given how rare it is to set a review footer, …


Maybe -h here?


These two options are for all types of comments, not just general comments.


Help text should be in sentence case. This should probably also mention that if not specified, the comment will cover …


I don't think this one needs a short option.


If we don't use -f for file attachments, let's use it for this one.


I don't think this one needs a short option.


Method docstrings should be written in the imperative mood ("Discard a review draft"). There's also an extra space between the …


This text needs to come before the "Args" section.


This should be a comment (#) rather than a string.


This should be a comment (#) rather than a string.


Same comments about the docstring here.


This should be a comment (#) rather than a string.


Same comments about the docstring.


I feel like it might be nicer to set default=None for these options, and then only include them in the …


E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented


Hi Anahita, one little thing I noticed from your code is that you are using """""" for comments. Last time …


Let's wrap this a little differently to make it a bit more compact: raise CommandError( '...' '...')


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E201 whitespace after '('


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent


E265 block comment should start with '# '


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


F401 'rbtools.commands.CommandError' imported but unused


F401 '' imported but unused


E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E501 line too long (128 > 79 characters)


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E303 too many blank lines (2)


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E501 line too long (133 > 79 characters)


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E501 line too long (118 > 79 characters)


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E501 line too long (109 > 79 characters)


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


E231 missing whitespace after ','


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator


W503 line break before binary operator

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)
flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
13a8e52d58536ae09820497d796b636d199cb405 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
13a8e52d58536ae09820497d796b636d199cb405 anahita-m


Revision 2 (+179 -75)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
cfc03db5f69706e0b7bd0b966113efffdb7c1b22 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
ad6a62ec85ff82e7a790d3ea3c6470495f3411d4 anahita-m


Revision 4 (+194 -90)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
d5525373492e8041b6c5509a4ca40a6542b6382d anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
17270c8bc854c7e67f6c42cf0368d063f768f440 anahita-m


Revision 6 (+219 -91)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
17270c8bc854c7e67f6c42cf0368d063f768f440 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
ae37787fd1fabbbbec21523be83a2d4a8399a832 anahita-m


Revision 7 (+219 -91)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
14047254d34a40de123e49761479720767926fbc anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
916d93511ce67d2e4d1c43b7a7180af490634305 anahita-m


Revision 9 (+219 -91)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
3c3930a135d7b7e48f51de0946101a45d48154c7 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
29ad51b553be78bf2aa853b4b5b4501ab4b50712 anahita-m


Revision 11 (+267 -99)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
29ad51b553be78bf2aa853b4b5b4501ab4b50712 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
c4b0af8c85497769be816a498ed96fe06c9c9062 anahita-m


Revision 12 (+503 -101)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
c4b0af8c85497769be816a498ed96fe06c9c9062 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
5440622f8d299d89b608cc4feb850f692173c4e3 anahita-m


Revision 13 (+519 -101)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
b1cedcd395355e33819b95491cd5632b0453f37a anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
63b1afc27810c79540d3c08374cd724f6cf38faa anahita-m


Revision 15 (+624 -106)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
7eb0a6d817637b85328a4990edad3e775ae63f73 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
1f7909d3847458b863efcff1484e62d9ed317608 anahita-m


Revision 17 (+714 -106)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
1f7909d3847458b863efcff1484e62d9ed317608 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
569bf68e2b3923915d9b78480b1777c463e49927 anahita-m


Revision 18 (+818 -106)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
569bf68e2b3923915d9b78480b1777c463e49927 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
3b9ca91210593991550eab329ed38a19b74e54fe anahita-m


Revision 19 (+1026 -106)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
3b9ca91210593991550eab329ed38a19b74e54fe anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
2da6e6ac37298f952d0cd1a091f76598620ba0e0 anahita-m


Revision 20 (+1030 -106)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  2. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    Hi Anahita, one little thing I noticed from your code is that you are using """""" for comments. Last time I remember David told me that we should mainly use # comments in our code but use """""" comments for docstring like function description, args, raise errors and return at the beginning of each function.

  1. this is a review header
  2. testComment1
  3. Show all issues
  4. (Diff revision 20)
  5. this is a review footer
  1. None
  2. None
  1. this is a review header
  2. this is a review footer
  1. this is a review header
  2. testDemoComment1
  3. (Diff revision 20)
  4. this is a review footer
  1. demo
  2. None
  1. demo
  2. None
  1. this is a review header demo
  2. testCommentDemo1
  3. (Diff revision 20)
  4. this is a review footer demo
  1. this is a demo of review header
  2. demoGeneralComment
  3. (Diff revision 20)
  4. this is a demo of review footer
  1. This is looking pretty solid. There are a few stylistic things related to docstrings that I marked, and a lot of places where you're using triple-quoted strings which instead should be comments (using #).

  2. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    This should be in sentence case.

    But even better would be to use option groups to keep things together. See commands/ for an example.

  3. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    When we include short options, we only do single characters. Given how rare it is to set a review footer, I think thisk one probably doesn't need a short version.

  4. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    Maybe -h here?

  5. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    These two options are for all types of comments, not just general comments.

  6. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    Help text should be in sentence case. This should probably also mention that if not specified, the comment will cover a single line.

  7. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    I don't think this one needs a short option.

  8. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    If we don't use -f for file attachments, let's use it for this one.

  9. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    I don't think this one needs a short option.

  10. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    Method docstrings should be written in the imperative mood ("Discard a review draft"). There's also an extra space between the """ and the description.

  11. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    This text needs to come before the "Args" section.

  12. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    This should be a comment (#) rather than a string.

  13. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    This should be a comment (#) rather than a string.

  14. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    Same comments about the docstring here.

  15. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    This should be a comment (#) rather than a string.

  16. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    Same comments about the docstring.

  17. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    I feel like it might be nicer to set default=None for these options, and then only include them in the API requests to create/update the review if they're non-None.

  18. rbtools/commands/ (Diff revision 20)
    Show all issues

    Let's wrap this a little differently to make it a bit more compact:

    raise CommandError(
Review request changed

Change Summary:

Fixing docustring and comment formatting. Organized options via option groups. Added some basic tests. Added check for multiple matches for file name.


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
2da6e6ac37298f952d0cd1a091f76598620ba0e0 anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
ba2432ef24061fc247fde8176ca43c5754ea0fa0 anahita-m
fixing docustring formatting and creating option groups
ba8c831bb300d32085fb3e60e843045ca57a401d anahita-m
fixing spacing errors
1edca6817b697c82a924cfb74b5ce1364c312f4f anahita-m


Revision 21 (+1467 -463)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


-[WIP] Adding Review Commands
+Adding Review Commands

Testing Done:


Manually tested all commands so far and documented on Notion


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
ba2432ef24061fc247fde8176ca43c5754ea0fa0 anahita-m
fixing docustring formatting and creating option groups
ba8c831bb300d32085fb3e60e843045ca57a401d anahita-m
fixing spacing errors
1edca6817b697c82a924cfb74b5ce1364c312f4f anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
ba2432ef24061fc247fde8176ca43c5754ea0fa0 anahita-m
Adding subcommand class and restructuring review command with subparsers
47ea0c349af3fad6def195e0454c13be9e21f5b6 anahita-m


Revision 22 (+2286 -452)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
63e8bbcf704b383e8c9b6cf7d83a0c21f12ab372 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4be43a13c38a3c93efdf5a7bf57703f4c5e17485 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
ba2432ef24061fc247fde8176ca43c5754ea0fa0 anahita-m
Adding subcommand class and restructuring review command with subparsers
47ea0c349af3fad6def195e0454c13be9e21f5b6 anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues on
ecd12d4a6c108b75324416937c70324b1d69253d anahita-m
Added misssing options for File Attachment Comments
8452d7a6dd850593028455a3f421ea1c251d510c anahita-m
Editing review tests based off command restructuring
6ca62ba88fdf80ecda869be22176f74e4fe8ce49 anahita-m
Adding repository, server, and global options to subparsers as well
c5b9492c6a0ab8f22407b69e49c6694b7ce9c78d anahita-m
ensuring that empty comments can't be added
cda23b8ca6b7a7c8377d7a02a46cba89709c20cf anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
f476ee907f86595e0cb8b34fe6412641ed35157b anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4d965957f5cf3844fb9f5491949e3a4169a47d91 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
1af7b76735880743668361c1948703444a698748 anahita-m
Adding subcommand class and restructuring review command with subparsers
47712bc2b2d49190b841fe97e4266511ac870742 anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues on
0edcd34d84c0c769bc7e5381b9ac8d60698f3518 anahita-m
Added misssing options for File Attachment Comments
d9b7b1304c35c596af90b8a9043884aca220caee anahita-m
Editing review tests based off command restructuring
2b7db12273ca222863f9c1f98d3b51e9ecfbbbd9 anahita-m
Adding repository, server, and global options to subparsers as well
b7511b79eb538f19d569b8260bce7d86de0a1da5 anahita-m
ensuring that empty comments can't be added
1373b3d26d834fa1a3d6412606c683459e6bc2f8 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
337290f1dd6f62f80a8e579221947c52974764a4 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
7745522b8daf3587aad16fb6095a9693cfebf5ce anahita-m


Revision 28 (+2478 -520)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed



We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which

    itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some
    users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be
    useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as
    adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have
~   integrations for).

  ~ integrations for). This review request is dependent upon the JSON output object from r#11521.


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
f476ee907f86595e0cb8b34fe6412641ed35157b anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
4d965957f5cf3844fb9f5491949e3a4169a47d91 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
1af7b76735880743668361c1948703444a698748 anahita-m
Adding subcommand class and restructuring review command with subparsers
47712bc2b2d49190b841fe97e4266511ac870742 anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues on
0edcd34d84c0c769bc7e5381b9ac8d60698f3518 anahita-m
Added misssing options for File Attachment Comments
d9b7b1304c35c596af90b8a9043884aca220caee anahita-m
Editing review tests based off command restructuring
2b7db12273ca222863f9c1f98d3b51e9ecfbbbd9 anahita-m
Adding repository, server, and global options to subparsers as well
b7511b79eb538f19d569b8260bce7d86de0a1da5 anahita-m
ensuring that empty comments can't be added
1373b3d26d834fa1a3d6412606c683459e6bc2f8 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
337290f1dd6f62f80a8e579221947c52974764a4 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
7745522b8daf3587aad16fb6095a9693cfebf5ce anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
71326e2dc6bc97a01030de44affe588b9f21a7e1 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
195de49d5a5ce6b1979556f85ed9b31b0e7da06a anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
3c36f63b5ae8e656f55c01d0ce335bf119e9a61b anahita-m
Adding subcommand class and restructuring review command with subparsers
5f802fb4a6be325044800fb4cf7d757314dde9ac anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues on
d064c6470393a840b48132175529c84efe9be196 anahita-m
Added misssing options for File Attachment Comments
7b70b35e7fed9cb97c0219d277d3d91270d6e95f anahita-m
Editing review tests based off command restructuring
5ec4fdc3608d67ab2698ed0cf94684b06170171b anahita-m
Adding repository, server, and global options to subparsers as well
84c9bc49e456170fc573aae84d1d9289363d6640 anahita-m
ensuring that empty comments can't be added
d04c4bc18e0c5cd2b3f3e175a9832bcd66603c26 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
d1fb4c9b4a2ac41622e2d069dbc1df728af79b54 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
4f7bb7547af17cd64280cf65f701139cf5e0e446 anahita-m
Adding --json output on subparsers
1e5f3c0a3e1dab8ba83e98dfe756d37ef46841ea anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues
8401d70d9ff2f9c17ebe5d472fa85e950da12b4d anahita-m
fixing error message for matching files > 1 for add-diff-comment subcommand to include the passed filename
81c91d321e6acdb7f74d7a58d1fd478f946c38c9 anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues in
74be2931d947a5d9865b4ad05809ad49d6c1215d anahita-m


Revision 29 (+2636 -572)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed


Summary ID Author
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
71326e2dc6bc97a01030de44affe588b9f21a7e1 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
195de49d5a5ce6b1979556f85ed9b31b0e7da06a anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
3c36f63b5ae8e656f55c01d0ce335bf119e9a61b anahita-m
Adding subcommand class and restructuring review command with subparsers
5f802fb4a6be325044800fb4cf7d757314dde9ac anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues on
d064c6470393a840b48132175529c84efe9be196 anahita-m
Added misssing options for File Attachment Comments
7b70b35e7fed9cb97c0219d277d3d91270d6e95f anahita-m
Editing review tests based off command restructuring
5ec4fdc3608d67ab2698ed0cf94684b06170171b anahita-m
Adding repository, server, and global options to subparsers as well
84c9bc49e456170fc573aae84d1d9289363d6640 anahita-m
ensuring that empty comments can't be added
d04c4bc18e0c5cd2b3f3e175a9832bcd66603c26 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
d1fb4c9b4a2ac41622e2d069dbc1df728af79b54 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
4f7bb7547af17cd64280cf65f701139cf5e0e446 anahita-m
Adding --json output on subparsers
1e5f3c0a3e1dab8ba83e98dfe756d37ef46841ea anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues
8401d70d9ff2f9c17ebe5d472fa85e950da12b4d anahita-m
fixing error message for matching files > 1 for add-diff-comment subcommand to include the passed filename
81c91d321e6acdb7f74d7a58d1fd478f946c38c9 anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues in
74be2931d947a5d9865b4ad05809ad49d6c1215d anahita-m
Adding helpful hints for rbt commands
RBTools current must scan the filesystem when a user does not specify a repository name or repository type which is very slow. In order to optimize RBTools, we will log hints that recommends setting repository name or type when it already has not been specified. An option --no-hints is added so users can disable hints if desired. I ran ./tests/ rbtools/ and have 263 tests passing and have done manual testing on different rbtools commands to ensure that the --no-hints option is working and is also presented as a global option to the user when they type .
71326e2dc6bc97a01030de44affe588b9f21a7e1 anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
195de49d5a5ce6b1979556f85ed9b31b0e7da06a anahita-m
[WIP] Adding Review Commands
We'd like to add a new command to RBTools for performing reviews, which itself would actually be several commands. This might be useful for some users who are super heavy command-line users, and would definitely be useful for people who want to add automation of various sorts (such as adding reviews after running custom CI tools that we don't have integrations for).
3c36f63b5ae8e656f55c01d0ce335bf119e9a61b anahita-m
Adding subcommand class and restructuring review command with subparsers
5f802fb4a6be325044800fb4cf7d757314dde9ac anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues on
d064c6470393a840b48132175529c84efe9be196 anahita-m
Added misssing options for File Attachment Comments
7b70b35e7fed9cb97c0219d277d3d91270d6e95f anahita-m
Editing review tests based off command restructuring
5ec4fdc3608d67ab2698ed0cf94684b06170171b anahita-m
Adding repository, server, and global options to subparsers as well
84c9bc49e456170fc573aae84d1d9289363d6640 anahita-m
ensuring that empty comments can't be added
d04c4bc18e0c5cd2b3f3e175a9832bcd66603c26 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
d1fb4c9b4a2ac41622e2d069dbc1df728af79b54 anahita-m
adding temporary a check for an empty review so that empty reviews cannot be published
4f7bb7547af17cd64280cf65f701139cf5e0e446 anahita-m
Adding --json output on subparsers
1e5f3c0a3e1dab8ba83e98dfe756d37ef46841ea anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues
8401d70d9ff2f9c17ebe5d472fa85e950da12b4d anahita-m
fixing error message for matching files > 1 for add-diff-comment subcommand to include the passed filename
81c91d321e6acdb7f74d7a58d1fd478f946c38c9 anahita-m
fixing flake8 issues in
74be2931d947a5d9865b4ad05809ad49d6c1215d anahita-m
making minor edit to error message
58144e4a1a4e56ead9cf04785aef9511546373ce anahita-m


Revision 30 (+2639 -575)

Show changes

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed

Status: Discarded
