Background Color Selector When Viewing Images

Review Request #11445 — Created Feb. 14, 2021 and updated — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This will allow users to select the colour outside of the image to help
improve visibility. For instance if an image is mostlywhite and the background
is white it may be difficult tounderstand what the image is. The background
colour selector menu is present on all image review modes (i.e. single
revision, "no diff", two-up, difference, split, and onion skin). The
background colour selector and the image resolution menu have now been moved
to a line below the caption in the image reviewer in order to better control
the arrangements of all elements in the header when the screen is adjusted to
a smaller size.

Manual testing has been done to ensure that the background color of the image
review page can change to white, black, grey/black checkerboard, or a custom
colour for all image views (i.e. single revision, "no diff", two-up, difference,
split, and onion skin). This has been tested on Mozilla Firefox, Safari and
Google Chrome and the menu appears as intended.

