Guarded against an inactive user being set as a reviewer or owner of a review request

Review Request #11422 — Created Jan. 30, 2021 and updated — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a
unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent
a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.

I've manually validated in the UI for draft review request that an error appears if a user
tries to update the owner/submitter or target people (reviewers) field with an innactive

-I've created unit tests for when a review request draft is published for the following
1. A review request draft is published with an inactive reviewer
2. A review request draft is published with an inactive owner/submitter
3. A review request draft is published with multiple reviewers, one of which is inactive

-I've also created additional unit tests regarrding when a review request draft is updated
using a PUT request
5. A PUT API call is made to update a review request draft with an inactive user set as the
owner/submitter of the review request
7. A PUT API call is made to update a review request draft with an inactive user set as one
8. of the reviewers of the review request

