Guarded against an inactive user being set as a reviewer or owner of a review request

Review Request #11422 — Created Jan. 30, 2021 and updated


Review Board


A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a
unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent
a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.

I've manually validated in the UI for draft review request that an error appears if a user
tries to update the owner/submitter or target people (reviewers) field with an innactive

-I've created unit tests for when a review request draft is published for the following
1. A review request draft is published with an inactive reviewer
2. A review request draft is published with an inactive owner/submitter
3. A review request draft is published with multiple reviewers, one of which is inactive

-I've also created additional unit tests regarrding when a review request draft is updated
using a PUT request
5. A PUT API call is made to update a review request draft with an inactive user set as the
owner/submitter of the review request
7. A PUT API call is made to update a review request draft with an inactive user set as one
8. of the reviewers of the review request

Summary ID Author
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
77e175ff12c5c098ec93c8558d6dae2727f06eb6 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
89d6d608750c529824fc00cce880cf77cbe7ff6d mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
634e91d9a34c6939dfcbf2bf5c358be12b10067c mderose123
Addendum Fixed Flake8 Issues Again
92d0dbb9c1deccdeb6a758b27e377048658e6509 mderose123
Added tests for handling put requests
with for updating submitter or target people with inactive users
6511fc0ef5068540042210a266bdfe6cdd28859d mderose123
Addendum removed whitespace as recommended by flake8
422334836d31a49b09658c3b4151cdb89960e428 mderose123
Addendum fixed flake8 code styling issues
1aca18a7075644c9043ae48365e7e720031f2c08 mderose123
Addendum added changes as perDavid's recommendations
60348fa225a045f5c33d56ff5ada4c303702af85 mderose123
Addendum made changes based off of flake8 recommendations
ec40c4934a492758547a73cf9c8bf8c18c765203 mderose123
Addendum removed autoindentations added from IDE
4b0ae5cdf93a629aab9d4b3a27fffb1eb0046d13 mderose123
Addendum fixed over-indentation error raised by flake8
f5f6c7ca54da7bc917503e4a2ecaef991b9558ea mderose123
Description From Last Updated

W293 blank line contains whitespace


E712 comparison to False should be 'if cond is False:' or 'if not cond:'


E501 line too long (96 > 79 characters)


F812 list comprehension redefines 'user' from line 341


E202 whitespace before ')'


W293 blank line contains whitespace


E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (86 > 79 characters)


W293 blank line contains whitespace


E711 comparison to None should be 'if cond is not None:'


E712 comparison to False should be 'if cond is False:' or 'if not cond:'


E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)


W291 trailing whitespace


W291 trailing whitespace


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


W291 trailing whitespace


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


W291 trailing whitespace


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)


W291 trailing whitespace


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


W293 blank line contains whitespace


W293 blank line contains whitespace


F812 list comprehension redefines 'user' from line 1042


W291 trailing whitespace


E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)


W291 trailing whitespace


W293 blank line contains whitespace


E999 SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal


W291 trailing whitespace


E126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent


W291 trailing whitespace


E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line


W291 trailing whitespace


E999 SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)


W291 trailing whitespace


E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


W293 blank line contains whitespace


W291 trailing whitespace


F812 list comprehension redefines 'user' from line 1042


W293 blank line contains whitespace


W291 trailing whitespace


W293 blank line contains whitespace


W291 trailing whitespace


W293 blank line contains whitespace


W291 trailing whitespace


W293 blank line contains whitespace


W291 trailing whitespace


W291 trailing whitespace


W291 trailing whitespace


E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)


W291 trailing whitespace


F841 local variable 'draft' is assigned to but never used


E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)


This file shouldn't be part of your change.


I don't know if your editor did this automatically, but there are a bunch of indentation changes to this file …


Let's make the iterator variable named "user" rather than "inactive user", since this iterates over all users. It's probably also …


The outer parens aren't needed here. We can also just check truthiness on the list instead of checking the length.


Hmm. It might be nice to inform the user which users are inactive.


Let's call the iterator variable user here too.


We can just check truthiness on the list here instead of checking the length.


Outer parens aren't needed here. But we do need a space between the "if" and the conditional. These could actually …


This blank line isn't necessary.


Please revert unintentional indentation changes to this file.


Please put this line back.


Please put this line back.


Let's add a blank line after this.


Hmm. I think we want to keep this using found_usernames. Perhaps we can just add the is_active check into the …


E501 line too long (96 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters)


E703 statement ends with a semicolon


W293 blank line contains whitespace


E126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent


We have a standard form for list comprehensions. This should look like: inactive_reviewer_list = [ reviewer for reviewer in reviewer_list …


Blank line between statements and new blocks.


Two important things here: We don't use .format(). It's not always better (technically it's slower than %-based formatting), and more …


We're now iterating through the same list a second time. A better option, normally would be to iterate once and …


Blank line between statements and blocks.


Since we've now done that work of pulling out the active reviewers and checking them, we can avoid performing another …


We've already covered the "active" bit above. I think we should leave this string as-is, since it's confusing when in …


Blank line between statements and blocks.


I think we can word this a bit better. How about: "The owner assigned to this review request cannot be …


The """ must be on a separate line, for multi-line docstrings. Same with ones below.


Can you use self.create_user() instead, and pass in keyword arguments for the values? Same for other tests.


We're setting a whole lot more than we need for the test. This would be fine if we were testing …


Blank line between statements and docs. Same for tests below.


These changes aren't correct, and also aren't relevant to the rest of your change. Can you revert them?


This will need to be in the style I outlined before, for list comprehensions.


This just became expensive. Better to build a list of usernames up-front, and then pass that in. Otherwise, we're rebuilding …


This blank line must remain.


No trailing period for unit test docstrings. The test runner already puts a ... after the docstring, and it looks …


It doesn't look like this is used anywhere.


No need to pass None here. That's the default. Also, a bare None is not self-descriptive at all (it means …


The last entry in a dictionary or list should always have a trailing comma, so that we don't have to …


We have some newer kgb support for checking calls now. Can you replace these with: self.assertSpyNotCalled( self.assertSpyNotCalled( Same below.


Doesn't look like we're using this either.


This should use self.assertIn instead.

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)
flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Testing Done:

-I've manually validated in the UI for unpublished or published review request that an error appears if a user tries to update the owner or people (reviewers) field with an innactive user


-I've created unit tests for when a review request is published with the APIS for the following cases

    1. A review request draft is published with an inactive reviewer
    2. A review request draft is published with an inactive owner/submitter
    3. A review request draft is published with multiple reviewers, one of which is inactive


Outstanding tests that I need to figure out how to write:

~   -Unit tests for checking if an API call is made to update a review request (or review request draft) with a user with any combination of an inactive reviewer and/or an inactive owner

  ~ -Unit tests for checking if an API call is made to update a review request (or review request draft) with a user with any combination of an inactive reviewer and/or an inactive owner
  + -I've manually validated in the UI for draft review request that an error appears if a user tries to update the owner or people (reviewers) field with an innactive user but need to iron out issues that appeared after making flake8 changes

Summary ID Author
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
dfa0445c86ed412ac9e12bdbccf6a2fe0e8ddb59 mderose123

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
dfa0445c86ed412ac9e12bdbccf6a2fe0e8ddb59 mderose123
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
dfa0445c86ed412ac9e12bdbccf6a2fe0e8ddb59 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Flake8 Issues Again
b2694e1d558f70d333d36587503859fa326e2821 mderose123

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
dfa0445c86ed412ac9e12bdbccf6a2fe0e8ddb59 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Flake8 Issues Again
b2694e1d558f70d333d36587503859fa326e2821 mderose123
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
dfa0445c86ed412ac9e12bdbccf6a2fe0e8ddb59 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Flake8 Issues Again
b2694e1d558f70d333d36587503859fa326e2821 mderose123
Added tests for handling put requests
with for updating submitter or target people with inactive users
07d9184b8ef78a6569c5bce98844af2355dc3d6f mderose123
Addendum removed whitespace as recommended by flake8
3c55086ca8fbbf3b32c51afc75ac97ad5bd9bd16 mderose123

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  1. Great start on this!

  2. .vscode/settings.json (Diff revision 6)
    Show all issues

    This file shouldn't be part of your change.

  3. Show all issues

    I don't know if your editor did this automatically, but there are a bunch of indentation changes to this file that are unrelated to your fix. Please go through and revert these.

  4. Show all issues

    Let's make the iterator variable named "user" rather than "inactive user", since this iterates over all users.

    It's probably also more readable to have if not user.is_active

    1. Thanks for the recommendation David, I had originally had "user" for these list comprehensions to check if a user is active or not but I was getting this issue from flake8 "F812 list comprehension redefines 'user' from line XXX". Do you know why this is happening? It was fixed when I changed the names to something other than user

    2. That is a concern (python scoping doesn't isolate list comprehensions, so it will end up redefining the user in the rest of the function). Maybe something else unique like reviewer, or even just something short like u?

  5. Show all issues

    The outer parens aren't needed here. We can also just check truthiness on the list instead of checking the length.

  6. Show all issues

    Hmm. It might be nice to inform the user which users are inactive.

  7. Show all issues

    Let's call the iterator variable user here too.

  8. Show all issues

    We can just check truthiness on the list here instead of checking the length.

  9. Show all issues

    Outer parens aren't needed here. But we do need a space between the "if" and the conditional. These could actually be combined together:

    if owner is not None and not owner.is_active:
  10. Show all issues

    This blank line isn't necessary.

  11. reviewboard/webapi/resources/ (Diff revision 6)
    Show all issues

    Please revert unintentional indentation changes to this file.

  12. Show all issues

    Please put this line back.

  13. Show all issues

    Please put this line back.

  14. Show all issues

    Let's add a blank line after this.

  15. reviewboard/webapi/resources/ (Diff revision 6)
    Show all issues

    Hmm. I think we want to keep this using found_usernames. Perhaps we can just add the is_active check into the list compherension up on lines 1027-1030?

    1. When I add this check at liness 1027 - 1030 then I ran into an issue at line 1042 an inactive user can still be retrieved from there. The users list and found_usernames list are updated at the same time at line 1046 and 10947 respectively so the user list should match the found usernames and vice versa. How do you receommend I move forward with this given the issue I brought up?

Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
dfa0445c86ed412ac9e12bdbccf6a2fe0e8ddb59 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Flake8 Issues Again
b2694e1d558f70d333d36587503859fa326e2821 mderose123
Added tests for handling put requests
with for updating submitter or target people with inactive users
07d9184b8ef78a6569c5bce98844af2355dc3d6f mderose123
Addendum removed whitespace as recommended by flake8
3c55086ca8fbbf3b32c51afc75ac97ad5bd9bd16 mderose123
Addendum fixed flake8 code styling issues
e01be77030ddb4f5fe19e5b6db1cf67c9e58be87 mderose123
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
47a726d9344045966731e7d789ab5b469f96f547 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
55390df0128c8883c6c936d662c191ad1ed72763 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
dfa0445c86ed412ac9e12bdbccf6a2fe0e8ddb59 mderose123
Addendum Fixed Flake8 Issues Again
b2694e1d558f70d333d36587503859fa326e2821 mderose123
Added tests for handling put requests
with for updating submitter or target people with inactive users
07d9184b8ef78a6569c5bce98844af2355dc3d6f mderose123
Addendum removed whitespace as recommended by flake8
3c55086ca8fbbf3b32c51afc75ac97ad5bd9bd16 mderose123
Addendum fixed flake8 code styling issues
e01be77030ddb4f5fe19e5b6db1cf67c9e58be87 mderose123
Addendum added changes as perDavid's recommendations
f3bfde108fe01cc5a0dbca39e94428da686c172b mderose123

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
77e175ff12c5c098ec93c8558d6dae2727f06eb6 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
89d6d608750c529824fc00cce880cf77cbe7ff6d mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
634e91d9a34c6939dfcbf2bf5c358be12b10067c mderose123
Addendum Fixed Flake8 Issues Again
92d0dbb9c1deccdeb6a758b27e377048658e6509 mderose123
Added tests for handling put requests
with for updating submitter or target people with inactive users
6511fc0ef5068540042210a266bdfe6cdd28859d mderose123
Addendum removed whitespace as recommended by flake8
422334836d31a49b09658c3b4151cdb89960e428 mderose123
Addendum fixed flake8 code styling issues
1aca18a7075644c9043ae48365e7e720031f2c08 mderose123
Addendum added changes as perDavid's recommendations
60348fa225a045f5c33d56ff5ada4c303702af85 mderose123
Addendum made changes based off of flake8 recommendations
ec40c4934a492758547a73cf9c8bf8c18c765203 mderose123
Guarded against an inactive user or owner from being assigned to a review.
A change that prevents an inactive user to be assigned as a submitter or reviewer for a published or unpublished review request. In addition to this, this change will prevent a review request draft from being published if the submitter or reviewer(s) are inactive.
77e175ff12c5c098ec93c8558d6dae2727f06eb6 mderose123
Addendum Made code fixes based on flake8 code styling recommendations
89d6d608750c529824fc00cce880cf77cbe7ff6d mderose123
Addendum Fixed Further Flake8 Code Styling Issues
634e91d9a34c6939dfcbf2bf5c358be12b10067c mderose123
Addendum Fixed Flake8 Issues Again
92d0dbb9c1deccdeb6a758b27e377048658e6509 mderose123
Added tests for handling put requests
with for updating submitter or target people with inactive users
6511fc0ef5068540042210a266bdfe6cdd28859d mderose123
Addendum removed whitespace as recommended by flake8
422334836d31a49b09658c3b4151cdb89960e428 mderose123
Addendum fixed flake8 code styling issues
1aca18a7075644c9043ae48365e7e720031f2c08 mderose123
Addendum added changes as perDavid's recommendations
60348fa225a045f5c33d56ff5ada4c303702af85 mderose123
Addendum made changes based off of flake8 recommendations
ec40c4934a492758547a73cf9c8bf8c18c765203 mderose123
Addendum removed autoindentations added from IDE
4b0ae5cdf93a629aab9d4b3a27fffb1eb0046d13 mderose123

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Testing Done:

I've manually validated in the UI for draft review request that an error appears if a user tries to update the owner/submitter or target people (reviewers) field with an innactive user


I've manually validated in the UI for draft review request that an error appears if a user

  + tries to update the owner/submitter or target people (reviewers) field with an innactive
  + user


-I've created unit tests for when a review request draft is published for the following cases


-I've created unit tests for when a review request draft is published for the following

  + cases
    1. A review request draft is published with an inactive reviewer
    2. A review request draft is published with an inactive owner/submitter
    3. A review request draft is published with multiple reviewers, one of which is inactive


-I've also created additional unit tests regarrding when a review request draft is updated using a PUT request

~   5. A PUT API call is made to update a review request draft with an inactive user set as the owner/submitter of the review request
~   6. A PUT API call is made to update a review request draft with an inactive user set as one of the reviewers of the review request


-I've also created additional unit tests regarrding when a review request draft is updated

  ~ using a PUT request
  ~ 5. A PUT API call is made to update a review request draft with an inactive user set as the
  + owner/submitter of the review request
  + 7. A PUT API call is made to update a review request draft with an inactive user set as one
  + 8. of the reviewers of the review request

  2. Show all issues

    We have a standard form for list comprehensions. This should look like:

    inactive_reviewer_list = [
        for reviewer in reviewer_list
        if not reviewer.is_active

    Same applies to other sbelow.

  3. Show all issues

    Blank line between statements and new blocks.

  4. reviewboard/reviews/models/ (Diff revision 10)
    Show all issues

    Two important things here:

    1. We don't use .format(). It's not always better (technically it's slower than %-based formatting), and more than anything, we just don't standardize around using it. So let's use %.
    2. You're formatting before it goes into ugettext, which just won't work. You can't localize a dynamic string. Instead, ugettext must take a static string, and then you have to format the result of that call.
  5. Show all issues

    We're now iterating through the same list a second time. A better option, normally would be to iterate once and define both lists.

    However, note that we don't care at all about the contents of this list. We know how many inactive reviewers we have, and what the total is. So we can instead do:

    has_active_reviewers = (len(reviewer_list) > len(inactive_reviewer_list)
  6. Show all issues

    Blank line between statements and blocks.

  7. Show all issues

    Since we've now done that work of pulling out the active reviewers and checking them, we can avoid performing another database query (target_groups.exists()) if we know we've failed that check. So, let's reverse the order of the things we check in this if statement.

  8. Show all issues

    We've already covered the "active" bit above. I think we should leave this string as-is, since it's confusing when in the context of review groups.

  9. Show all issues

    Blank line between statements and blocks.

  10. Show all issues

    I think we can word this a bit better. How about:

    "The owner assigned to this review request cannot be an inactive user."

  11. Show all issues

    The """ must be on a separate line, for multi-line docstrings.

    Same with ones below.

  12. Show all issues

    Can you use self.create_user() instead, and pass in keyword arguments for the values?

    Same for other tests.

  13. reviewboard/reviews/tests/ (Diff revision 10)
    Show all issues

    We're setting a whole lot more than we need for the test. This would be fine if we were testing that draft publishing worked and that these values propagated to the review request, but we're not. Let's keep the test state minimal.

    Same with tests below.

  14. Show all issues

    Blank line between statements and docs.

    Same for tests below.

  15. reviewboard/webapi/resources/ (Diff revision 10)
    Show all issues

    These changes aren't correct, and also aren't relevant to the rest of your change. Can you revert them?

  16. Show all issues

    This will need to be in the style I outlined before, for list comprehensions.

  17. reviewboard/webapi/resources/ (Diff revision 10)
    Show all issues

    This just became expensive.

    Better to build a list of usernames up-front, and then pass that in. Otherwise, we're rebuilding the list of usernames for every loop of our list comprehension.

  18. Show all issues

    This blank line must remain.

  19. Show all issues

    No trailing period for unit test docstrings. The test runner already puts a ... after the docstring, and it looks weird to have . ...

    Same with test docstrings below.

  20. Show all issues

    It doesn't look like this is used anywhere.

  21. Show all issues

    No need to pass None here. That's the default. Also, a bare None is not self-descriptive at all (it means people have to go look up the function signature), so if we did want to pass this, we'd want to do so with a keyword argument.

    Same below.

  22. Show all issues

    The last entry in a dictionary or list should always have a trailing comma, so that we don't have to re-modify this line if we add another key.

    Same below.

  23. Show all issues

    We have some newer kgb support for checking calls now. Can you replace these with:


    Same below.

  24. Show all issues

    Doesn't look like we're using this either.

  25. Show all issues

    This should use self.assertIn instead.
