Work around Chrome's over-eager validation of integration config form.

Review Request #11184 — Created Sept. 19, 2020 and submitted




Chrome loves to test the validation of forms, even going so far as to
run validation on inputs which are not visible to the user. It then
errors out on the console that it can't focus the input. This change
goes through and adds the disabled prop to any tool option inputs
which are hidden (because they don't apply to the currently-selected
tool), working around the validation on the client.

Was able to create an integration config for Review Bot without Chrome
going nuts.

Summary ID
Work around Chrome's over-eager validation of integration config form.
Chrome loves to test the validation of forms, even going so far as to run validation on inputs which are not visible to the user. It then errors out on the console that it can't focus the input. This change goes through and adds the `disabled` prop to any tool option inputs which are hidden (because they don't apply to the currently-selected tool), working around the validation on the client. Testing Done: Was able to create an integration config for Review Bot without Chrome going nuts.
Description From Last Updated

Can we add a comma after each space?

  1. It'll be really nice when we can move this to the new subform support in Review Board 4.0.

  2. Show all issues

    Can we add a comma after each space?

    1. Guessing you meant a space after each comma :)

Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-2.0.x (3eb5516)