Enhance the review request blank state user experience

Review Request #10928 — Created Feb. 29, 2020 and updated


Review Board


The review request page when the user creates a new draft to publish their changes
is empty at first unless some fields have been populated by RB Tools such as
the commit summary and description. However, not always these fields are populated
and the user is subjected to a mostly empty page. This can be a confusing user
experience where one may not know which fields are required to post a change,
what kind of content is needed for the different inputs, and where to add new files
to the request. These changes will help clarify the user experience on this page
to make it more friendly, and easier to understand what changes are needed to make
on this request before posting their work.

These changes include,
- The addition of a edit icon to the file attachment area and to make it render by
default on review request drafts
- Creating a file attachment box area where users can click a button or drag and
drop a file into, making it easier to figure out where/how to add files to a request
- Changing the banner to include a checkbox group that holds all the required fields
that need to be filled out before posting a change
- Disabling the publish button until all the required checkboxes have been checked off
- Randomizing of placeholder texts from the Python backend
- Rendering of placeholder texts on various configured review request fields so the
user can understand what kind of input they need to make into a field

Refer to the screenshot (version 2) for what it looks like so far.

Manual Tests
- Using rbt post, check if the review request page renders properly with the
placeholder text, checkbox banner group, and file attachment areas shown
- Using the new review request page, check the same above scenario
- Placeholder text is rendered with a gray font color if the page is editable
by the user and if there is no previously saved value
- If there is a previously saved value, it renders with the blank font color
- Checkbox group in the draft banner has all the required fields from the
review request page
- Publish button stays disabled until the user has checked off all the required
check boxes
- Publish button renders disabled at first even when the page first renders if the
review request is not public yet and if the request is being edited on first save
- Placeholder text is randomly being changed from the python backend
- Placeholder text is being rendered if there is no previously saved value
- File attachment area is shown be default if the request is editable
- File attachment area is responsive on mobile even after adding/deleting files
- File attachment area is hidden if the request is not editable and if no files
exist for the review request
- All fields are keyboard accessible

Unit Tests
- Publish button is disabled when all required checkboxes are not checked off
- Publish button is enabled when all required checkboxes are checked off or
there are no required fields in the page
- File attachment area is shown by default if the review request is editable
- File attachment area is hidden if there are no attachments and the review
request is non-editable
- Python backend returns the proper required fields from RB default settings
- Placeholder text is rendered if there is no previously saved text
- Placeholder text is not rendered if there is previously saved text

Summary ID Author
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
43488401dce78b6d41e3d1e9e9d92a9c4c5d3f39 bui1@ualberta.ca

Description From Last Updated

I think the placeholder for new items should go at the end of the list. This is where new items …


There's some hilarious irony in these placeholders recommending limiting to 50 characters and wrapping to 72, then blasting past those …


E501 line too long (93 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (93 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (93 > 79 characters)


E114 indentation is not a multiple of four (comment)


E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (93 > 79 characters)


E114 indentation is not a multiple of four (comment)


E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets


E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)


E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


E113 unexpected indentation


E113 unexpected indentation


can we use BEM for the class name?


is it possible to use one of the greys from reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/colors.less ?


i think this class should follow the BEM naming conventions and maybe be clearer about what it's used for eg. …


from the screenshot, the container looks about the same size as the thumbnails and might share some of the same …


i think we should be using BEM here for the class names too


i think the padding should use variables like in reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/page-sidebar.less


missing documentation for this function


missing documentation


getting the element by appending the target value to the id selector and using jQuery to search for that feels …


What about discarding "Fill out the" in the label? It seems kinda repetitive when every item in the list has …


should value be "Click to browse"? (ie. first letter capitalized)


i think this would be better named as this._$editButton because it can be clicked and its role is button


i think this could just be called this._$editIcon since it's actually referring to the icon


from the other variables defined before this one, i think the id should be suffixed with -action to be consistent


i think this.$el.removeClass('placeholder-text') would be clearer


i think this.$el.addClass('placeholder-text') would be clearer






We generally want to use parens for wrapping long things rather than continuation characters: base_placeholder_text = ( '... ' '... …


Parens instead of \


Parens here too.


We use the name "Base" to indicate that the class will be inherited from. In this case I think "ReviewRequestFieldRequirements" …


This should have a trailing comma at the end. Please also keep the keys in alphabetical order.


Please put this blank line back.


Should have two blank lines on either side of the top-level block.


Add a blank line here, please.


Since we're changing this, let's take the opportunity to move these to the new colors definitions. @file-attachment-bg: #rb-ns-ui.colors[@white]; @file-attachment-overlay-bg: #rb-ns-ui.colors[@grey-90]; …


Don't need to add this line.


This should be in the imperative mood rather than passive ("Change the publish..." instead of "Changes")


Please wrap this line to 80 columns.


Please add a blank line between these two. We also like to make sure any jQuery-type variable starts with $, …


Please use single-quotes instead of double.


This can be a one-liner, and we can also use jQuery's eq method to simplify the selector: this.$buttons.eq(0).prop( 'disabled', this.requiredCheckboxes.length …


There are a few things in here. First, since we're in ES6, we can use template strings (note the backticks). …


This line can just be this._changePublishButtonState()


In ES6 files, we have a much better way of formatting text like this: this._$attachments.prepend(dedent` <div class="rb-c-file-upload-container"> <div> <p>Drop file …


In jQuery calls when creating a new (single) element, you don't need the closing tag.


Wrap to 80 columns please.


Wrap to 80 columns.


Add a blank line in here.


Wrap to 80 columns.


Add a blank line in here.


Wrap to 80 columns.


Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but won't this actually write the placeholder text to the database? Don't we want to …


E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1


W292 no newline at end of file


E303 too many blank lines (2)


E303 too many blank lines (2)

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)
flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
407eac7374f3719a146e34688d717cdc97724eb7 bui1@ualberta.ca
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
1891c462ca2d1d09a2aff5c84574a3c66cd40b20 bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
WIP Enhance the review request blank state user experience

Add a edit icon beside the files section title as a way to test out solutions.

  • Add a edit icon to the file attachment area and made it open by default on review request drafts
  • Created a file attachment box area where users can click a button or drag and drop a file into
  • Changed the banner to include a checkbox group that holds all the required fields that need to be filled out
  • Disabled the publish button until all the checkboxes have been checked off
  • Experimented with how placeholder text is going to work and look like

Default Fields are defined in builtin_fields.py, fields.py is defines field behaviour,

~   review_request_box.js gets all the fields in the review request and renders it to the ReviewRequestEditorView.es6.js.
~   review_request_box.html is where the draft review request template page is defined.


Refer to the screenshot for what it looks like so far



  + - Figure out how to add reviewer group/people to the checkbox group if the field itself isn't required but
  + it's table header (reviewers) is
  + - Fix up file attachment area so the box doesn't stretch when attempting to drag and drop
  + - Finalize placeholder text behaviour and styling
  + - Make sure files attach to the right hand side of the file drop container and not the left
  + - Unit Tests

Summary ID Author
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
1891c462ca2d1d09a2aff5c84574a3c66cd40b20 bui1@ualberta.ca
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
f9bb8cc3a2f2515c4cc0f62e262623fcb2c32428 bui1@ualberta.ca
Added Files:

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
  • Add a edit icon to the file attachment area and made it open by default on review request drafts
  • Created a file attachment box area where users can click a button or drag and drop a file into
  • Changed the banner to include a checkbox group that holds all the required fields that need to be filled out
  • Disabled the publish button until all the checkboxes have been checked off
  • Experimented with how placeholder text is going to work and look like

Refer to the screenshot for what it looks like so far



    - Figure out how to add reviewer group/people to the checkbox group if the field itself isn't required but
    it's table header (reviewers) is
-   - Fix up file attachment area so the box doesn't stretch when attempting to drag and drop
    - Finalize placeholder text behaviour and styling
-   - Make sure files attach to the right hand side of the file drop container and not the left
    - Unit Tests

Summary ID Author
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
f9bb8cc3a2f2515c4cc0f62e262623fcb2c32428 bui1@ualberta.ca
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
f8b68f5733b92dde02a5570f6a778e7bbf197ba7 bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
  • Add a edit icon to the file attachment area and made it open by default on review request drafts
  • Created a file attachment box area where users can click a button or drag and drop a file into
  • Changed the banner to include a checkbox group that holds all the required fields that need to be filled out
  • Disabled the publish button until all the checkboxes have been checked off
  • Experimented with how placeholder text is going to work and look like

Refer to the screenshot for what it looks like so far



~   - Figure out how to add reviewer group/people to the checkbox group if the field itself isn't required but
~   it's table header (reviewers) is
  ~ - Server side rendering of required fields
  ~ - Fix placeholder text styling in editable/non-editable use cases
-   - Finalize placeholder text behaviour and styling
    - Unit Tests

Summary ID Author
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
f8b68f5733b92dde02a5570f6a778e7bbf197ba7 bui1@ualberta.ca
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
12eb05b1e848b185165f600eebd965e3a02a1319 bui1@ualberta.ca
Removed Files:
Added Files:

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
  • Add a edit icon to the file attachment area and made it open by default on review request drafts
  • Created a file attachment box area where users can click a button or drag and drop a file into
  • Changed the banner to include a checkbox group that holds all the required fields that need to be filled out
  • Disabled the publish button until all the checkboxes have been checked off
  • Experimented with how placeholder text is going to work and look like

Refer to the screenshot for what it looks like so far



-   - Server side rendering of required fields
    - Fix placeholder text styling in editable/non-editable use cases
    - Unit Tests

Summary ID Author
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
12eb05b1e848b185165f600eebd965e3a02a1319 bui1@ualberta.ca
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
31715fda29f824550b3bd7e41b5a94141c7a805c bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
WIP Enhance the review request blank state user experience
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
  • Add a edit icon to the file attachment area and made it open by default on review request drafts
  • Created a file attachment box area where users can click a button or drag and drop a file into
  • Changed the banner to include a checkbox group that holds all the required fields that need to be filled out
  • Disabled the publish button until all the checkboxes have been checked off
  • Experimented with how placeholder text is going to work and look like

The review request page when the user creates a new draft to publish their changes

  ~ is empty at first unless some fields have been populated by RB Tools such as
  ~ the commit summary and description. However, not always these fields are populated
  ~ and the user is subjected to a mostly empty page. This can be a confusing user
  ~ experience where one may not know which fields are required to post a change,
  + what kind of content is needed for the differnent inputs, and where to add new files
  + to the request. These changes will help clarify the user experience on this page
  + to make it more friendly, and more easy to understand what changes are needed to make
  + on this request before posting their work.


Refer to the screenshot for what it looks like so far


These changes include,

  + - The addition of a edit icon to the file attachment area and to mkee it render by
  + default on review request drafts
  + - Creating a file attachment box area where users can click a button or drag and
  + drop a file into, making it easier to figure out where/how to add files to a request
  + - Changing the banner to include a checkbox group that holds all the required fields
  + that need to be filled out before posting a change
  + - Disabling the publish button until all the required checkboxes have been checked off
  + - Randomizing of placeholder texts from the Python backend
  + - Rendering of placeholder texts on various configured review request fields so the
  + user can understand what kind of input they need to make into a field




Refer to the screenshot for what it looks like so far.

-   - Fix placeholder text styling in editable/non-editable use cases
-   - Unit Tests

Testing Done:

Manual Tests

  + - Using rbt post, check if the review request page renders properly with the
  + placeholder text, checkbox banner group, and file attachment areas shown
  + - Using the new review request page, check the same above scenario
  + - Placeholder text is rendered with a gray font color if the page is editable
  + by the user and if there is no previously saved value
  + - If there is a previously saved value, it renders with the blank font color
  + - Checkbox group in the draft banner has all the required fields from the
  + review request page
  + - Publish button stays disabled until the user has checked off all the required
  + check boxes
  + - Publish button renders disabled at first even when the page first renders if the
  + review request is not public yet and if the request is being edited on first save
  + - Placeholder text is randomly being changed from the python backend
  + - Placeholder text is being rendered if there is no previously saved value
  + - File attachment area is shown be defualt if the request is editable
  + - File attachment area is responsive on mobile even after adding/deleting files
  + - File attachment area is hidden if the request is not editable and if no files
  + exist for the review request
  + - All fields are keyboard accessible


Unit Test

  + - WIP after the code changes have been reviewed

Summary ID Author
WIP Explore codebase for the review request blank state project
31715fda29f824550b3bd7e41b5a94141c7a805c bui1@ualberta.ca
Enchance review request blank state user experience
f1bcd10742d6e17fb63f8286075547a8990dbdbe bui1@ualberta.ca
Removed Files:
Added Files:

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Enchance review request blank state user experience
f1bcd10742d6e17fb63f8286075547a8990dbdbe bui1@ualberta.ca
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
6310ce133cbdc0da7dd0535f9470164d0c593475 bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
6310ce133cbdc0da7dd0535f9470164d0c593475 bui1@ualberta.ca
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
2677163585482dc391802fd2532d6102fff62ab8 bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
2677163585482dc391802fd2532d6102fff62ab8 bui1@ualberta.ca
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
6ca93d1dadee2e7853a0a010f33307480dfeb35f bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  1. This looks solid to me! Good work! Only one suggestion on the check box label.

  2. Show all issues

    What about discarding "Fill out the" in the label? It seems kinda repetitive when every item in the list has this text.

    1. Im just going off of the mockup the mentors and students agreed with. I'll leave it as is unless more people comment on it

  1. looking good! i think it would be nice to have a more complete screenshot (ie. without cutting off the top navigation bar) so we can get the full effect of the new banner, especially because it adds so much vertical space

  2. Show all issues

    can we use BEM for the class name?

  3. Show all issues

    is it possible to use one of the greys from reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/colors.less ?

  4. Show all issues

    i think this class should follow the BEM naming conventions and maybe be clearer about what it's used for eg. rb-c-file-upload-container - file-area-container made me think that it's just used for showing a file or something like that

  5. reviewboard/static/rb/css/pages/reviews.less (Diff revision 12)
    Show all issues

    from the screenshot, the container looks about the same size as the thumbnails and might share some of the same properties right? are there constants defined for any of these properties that we can use?

  6. Show all issues

    i think we should be using BEM here for the class names too

  7. Show all issues

    i think the padding should use variables like in reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/page-sidebar.less

  8. Show all issues

    missing documentation for this function

  9. Show all issues

    missing documentation

  10. Show all issues

    getting the element by appending the target value to the id selector and using jQuery to search for that feels kind of hacky - is it not possible to get the element from the event itself?

    1. Ended up using event.target based on https://api.jquery.com/event.target/

      Thanks for suggesting that!

  11. Show all issues

    should value be "Click to browse"? (ie. first letter capitalized)

  12. Show all issues

    i think this would be better named as this._$editButton because it can be clicked and its role is button

  13. Show all issues

    i think this could just be called this._$editIcon since it's actually referring to the icon

  14. Show all issues

    from the other variables defined before this one, i think the id should be suffixed with -action to be consistent

  15. Show all issues

    i think this.$el.removeClass('placeholder-text') would be clearer

  16. Show all issues

    i think this.$el.addClass('placeholder-text') would be clearer

  17. Show all issues


  18. Show all issues


  2. Show all issues

    I think the placeholder for new items should go at the end of the list. This is where new items show up, so it's like you're "filling in" the dashed box with the thing you're uploading.

  3. Show all issues

    There's some hilarious irony in these placeholders recommending limiting to 50 characters and wrapping to 72, then blasting past those limits.

    Rather than suggesting those in the text (while we think they're good ideas, and enforce them for our stuff, not everyone does), let's just show by example what good lengths are.

  4. reviewboard/reviews/builtin_fields.py (Diff revision 14)
    Show all issues

    We generally want to use parens for wrapping long things rather than continuation characters:

    base_placeholder_text = (
        '... '
        '... '
  5. reviewboard/reviews/builtin_fields.py (Diff revision 14)

    This use of a continuation character is correct, though.

  6. reviewboard/reviews/builtin_fields.py (Diff revision 14)
    Show all issues

    Parens instead of \

  7. reviewboard/reviews/builtin_fields.py (Diff revision 14)
    Show all issues

    Parens here too.

  8. reviewboard/reviews/fields.py (Diff revision 14)
    Show all issues

    We use the name "Base" to indicate that the class will be inherited from. In this case I think "ReviewRequestFieldRequirements" might be more appropriate.

    But I don't think we even need a new class for this--this isn't Java. A function (get_review_request_required_fields, maybe?) would be better.

    Will need a docstring whichever way you go.

  9. Show all issues

    This should have a trailing comma at the end. Please also keep the keys in alphabetical order.

  10. Show all issues

    Please put this blank line back.

  11. reviewboard/static/rb/css/pages/reviews.less (Diff revision 14)
    Show all issues

    Should have two blank lines on either side of the top-level block.

  12. reviewboard/static/rb/css/pages/reviews.less (Diff revision 14)
    Show all issues

    Add a blank line here, please.

  13. reviewboard/static/rb/css/pages/reviews.less (Diff revision 14)
    Show all issues

    Since we're changing this, let's take the opportunity to move these to the new colors definitions.

    @file-attachment-bg: #rb-ns-ui.colors[@white];
    @file-attachment-overlay-bg: #rb-ns-ui.colors[@grey-90];
    @file-attachment-overlay-border-color: #rb-ns-ui.colors[@grey-80];
    @file-attachment-border-color: #rb-ns-ui.colors[@grey-60];
  14. Show all issues

    Don't need to add this line.

  15. Show all issues

    This should be in the imperative mood rather than passive ("Change the publish..." instead of "Changes")

  16. Show all issues

    Please wrap this line to 80 columns.

  17. Show all issues

    Please add a blank line between these two.

    We also like to make sure any jQuery-type variable starts with $, so $checkbox for the name.

  18. Show all issues

    Please use single-quotes instead of double.

  19. Show all issues

    This can be a one-liner, and we can also use jQuery's eq method to simplify the selector:

        this.requiredCheckboxes.length !==
  20. Show all issues

    There are a few things in here.

    First, since we're in ES6, we can use template strings (note the backticks).

    We should also not use the name "class", since it's a reserved word.

    Finally, anything inside a call to gettext must be a literal. It can't be computed due to the way the gettext scanner works. Fortunately, there's a formatter we can use:

    id: `${fieldName}-banner-checkbox`,
    className: 'banner-checkbox',
    label: interpolate(gettext('Fill out the %s field'),
  21. Show all issues

    This line can just be this._changePublishButtonState()

  22. reviewboard/static/rb/js/views/reviewRequestEditorView.es6.js (Diff revision 14)
    Show all issues

    In ES6 files, we have a much better way of formatting text like this:

        <div class="rb-c-file-upload-container">
          <p>Drop file attachments here</p>
          <input type="button" id="select-file-for-review-action"
                 value="Click to browse">

    That said, we should probably also wrap this in _.template and pass all the user-visible text in as variables that are wrapped in gettext() to enable localization of this UI.

  23. Show all issues

    In jQuery calls when creating a new (single) element, you don't need the closing tag.

  24. Show all issues

    Wrap to 80 columns please.

  25. Show all issues

    Wrap to 80 columns.

  26. Show all issues

    Add a blank line in here.

  27. Show all issues

    Wrap to 80 columns.

  28. Show all issues

    Add a blank line in here.

  29. Show all issues

    Wrap to 80 columns.

  30. Show all issues

    Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but won't this actually write the placeholder text to the database? Don't we want to write an empty string instead?

    1. If an empty string was written after the user decides to save a response that is empty, the field will be populated with an empty text box removing the placeholder text set there to begin with. I was thinking that if the user ends up leaving a blank response, we could save the placeholder text so the user can come back to it if they wish to do so. I know this technically means the user can submit the review request with the placeholder text instead of any meaningful written changes but wanted your opinion and clarification regarding this behaviour.

      For now I changed the code so it saves the blank string.

Review request changed

The review request page when the user creates a new draft to publish their changes

    is empty at first unless some fields have been populated by RB Tools such as
    the commit summary and description. However, not always these fields are populated
    and the user is subjected to a mostly empty page. This can be a confusing user
    experience where one may not know which fields are required to post a change,
    what kind of content is needed for the different inputs, and where to add new files
    to the request. These changes will help clarify the user experience on this page
    to make it more friendly, and easier to understand what changes are needed to make
    on this request before posting their work.


These changes include,

    - The addition of a edit icon to the file attachment area and to make it render by
    default on review request drafts
    - Creating a file attachment box area where users can click a button or drag and
    drop a file into, making it easier to figure out where/how to add files to a request
    - Changing the banner to include a checkbox group that holds all the required fields
    that need to be filled out before posting a change
    - Disabling the publish button until all the required checkboxes have been checked off
    - Randomizing of placeholder texts from the Python backend
    - Rendering of placeholder texts on various configured review request fields so the
    user can understand what kind of input they need to make into a field


Refer to the screenshot for what it looks like so far.


Refer to the screenshot (version 2) for what it looks like so far.

Summary ID Author
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
5326ce99e167c8a53b723963bde40e01b9bebf97 bui1@ualberta.ca
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
e8815bf1971a8b621efab065b54f2f9fefb83403 bui1@ualberta.ca
File Captions:
Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 2.01.39 PM.png:
Review Request UI Changes
Version 1 - Review Request Blank State UI Changes
Added Files:

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Testing Done:

Manual Tests

    - Using rbt post, check if the review request page renders properly with the
    placeholder text, checkbox banner group, and file attachment areas shown
    - Using the new review request page, check the same above scenario
    - Placeholder text is rendered with a gray font color if the page is editable
    by the user and if there is no previously saved value
    - If there is a previously saved value, it renders with the blank font color
    - Checkbox group in the draft banner has all the required fields from the
    review request page
    - Publish button stays disabled until the user has checked off all the required
    check boxes
    - Publish button renders disabled at first even when the page first renders if the
    review request is not public yet and if the request is being edited on first save
    - Placeholder text is randomly being changed from the python backend
    - Placeholder text is being rendered if there is no previously saved value
    - File attachment area is shown be default if the request is editable
    - File attachment area is responsive on mobile even after adding/deleting files
    - File attachment area is hidden if the request is not editable and if no files
    exist for the review request
    - All fields are keyboard accessible


Unit Test WIP


Unit Tests WIP

    - Publish button is disabled when all required checkboxes are not checked off
    - Publish button is enabled when all required checkboxes are checked off or
    there are no required fields in the page
    - File attachment area is shown by default if the review request is editable
    - File attachment area is hidden if there are no attachments and the review
~   request is non-editable

  ~ request is non-editable
  + - Python backend returns the proper required fields from RB default settings
  + - WIP Placeholder text is rendered if there is no previously saved text
  + - WIP Placeholder text is not rendered if there is previously saved text

Summary ID Author
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
f3111b61170ca4e0b6b350173c6704e8ee3db3a3 bui1@ualberta.ca
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
6af3ecb0ebe73806c660b9ee47ab7e30bbd834e6 bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Testing Done:

Manual Tests

    - Using rbt post, check if the review request page renders properly with the
    placeholder text, checkbox banner group, and file attachment areas shown
    - Using the new review request page, check the same above scenario
    - Placeholder text is rendered with a gray font color if the page is editable
    by the user and if there is no previously saved value
    - If there is a previously saved value, it renders with the blank font color
    - Checkbox group in the draft banner has all the required fields from the
    review request page
    - Publish button stays disabled until the user has checked off all the required
    check boxes
    - Publish button renders disabled at first even when the page first renders if the
    review request is not public yet and if the request is being edited on first save
    - Placeholder text is randomly being changed from the python backend
    - Placeholder text is being rendered if there is no previously saved value
    - File attachment area is shown be default if the request is editable
    - File attachment area is responsive on mobile even after adding/deleting files
    - File attachment area is hidden if the request is not editable and if no files
    exist for the review request
    - All fields are keyboard accessible


Unit Tests WIP


Unit Tests

    - Publish button is disabled when all required checkboxes are not checked off
    - Publish button is enabled when all required checkboxes are checked off or
    there are no required fields in the page
    - File attachment area is shown by default if the review request is editable
    - File attachment area is hidden if there are no attachments and the review
    request is non-editable
    - Python backend returns the proper required fields from RB default settings
~   - WIP Placeholder text is rendered if there is no previously saved text
~   - WIP Placeholder text is not rendered if there is previously saved text

  ~ - Placeholder text is rendered if there is no previously saved text
  ~ - Placeholder text is not rendered if there is previously saved text

Summary ID Author
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
6af3ecb0ebe73806c660b9ee47ab7e30bbd834e6 bui1@ualberta.ca
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
07437d959ae488eb2d5700ccb19412ca29a101a1 bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
07437d959ae488eb2d5700ccb19412ca29a101a1 bui1@ualberta.ca
Enhance the review request blank state user experience
43488401dce78b6d41e3d1e9e9d92a9c4c5d3f39 bui1@ualberta.ca

Checks run (2 succeeded)

flake8 passed.
JSHint passed.