Docking the Comment Dialog
Review Request #10213 — Created Oct. 10, 2018 and updated
Comment Dialog: Docking
When reviews have the tendency to get longer the Comment Dialog
becomes harder to keep track of. To fix this,the comment
dialog has been docked to the page. This means when users open
up a comment, the dialog will stay on the page with the user
during the review process.Users can drag around the dialog with ease with the use of
jQuery UI and standard jQuery mouse events. Functions have been
implemented to ensure that the Comment Dialog remains in the content
area. This is to prevent users from accidentally moving the dialog
Ran and passed all of the JavaScript Unit Tests.
Added a new test to check whether the position was being set
correctly onmousedown
Description | From | Last Updated |
Col: 13 'newTop' is defined but never used. |
![]() |
Col: 53 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 18 'getTop' is defined but never used. |
![]() |
Col: 34 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 31 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Most of these could be declared const. |
Col: 18 'getTop' is defined but never used. |
![]() |
Col: 34 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 31 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 18 'getTop' is defined but never used. |
![]() |
Col: 34 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 31 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 71 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 41 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 15 'isAbove' was used before it was defined. |
![]() |
Col: 10 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 31 Missing semicolon. |
![]() |
trailing whitespace. |
This can just be .css('position', 'fixed'). No need to construct an object. If you want to keep it as an … |
Trailing whitespace. |
Only the comments before a function should be /**. Regular multiline comments can use /*. Same below. |
Trailing whitespace. Missing space after period. |
This can be a single computation. const top = commentBox.offset().top - 8; |
What is 8 here? where does this come from? |
You can replace this with: commentBox.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': `${top}px`, }); |
This can be a single computation. Always space around binary operators. |
The parentheses are redundant. |
You can replace this with: commentBox.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top': `${top}px`, }); |
Doc comments should be of the form: ``` /* * Single line summary (in imperitive mood). * * Multi-line display. … |
Trailing whitespace. Dialog -> dialog Checks -> Check. |
We generally use function statements in this case, e.g. function isAbove() { // ... } Same with isBelow below. |
This should be named something like isTopPosition because it is a boolean. A variable named topPosition would be, e.g., the … |
Where does 8 come from? |
Blank line between these. |
Replace with: return topPosition || offsetTop === 0; |
Doc comments should be of the form: ``` /* * Single line summary (in imperitive mood). * * Multi-line display. … |
Replace with: return commentBox.offset().top > bottomOfScreen; |
Trailing whitespace. |
stop: function(event, ui) { |
You can replace this with: ui.helper.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top': `${ui.helper.scrollTop()}px`, }); |
} else if (isBelow()) { |
You can replace this with: ui.helper.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top': `${bottomOfScreen}px`, }); |
Trailing whieespace. |
Undo this. |
Undo this. |
Trailing whitespace. |
Col: 10 Unnecessary semicolon. |
![]() |
Col: 10 Unnecessary semicolon. |
![]() |
You have some trailing whitespace over here. |
There is some whitespace here |
There is some whitespace here |
Col: 17 'x' is defined but never used. |
![]() |
Col: 17 'y' is defined but never used. |
![]() |
You could chain these jQuery methods to keep the code a bit more concise like this: commentBox .on('mousdown', () => … |
Is there a reason you need both eTop and top? Is it possible to condense these two lines down to … |
Your comment makes it super clear what the two conditions are to return true, but based on the names of … |
Should this comment still be here? |
This should have one more space added to it, to keep it in line with the it() function. |
There should be a newline between these two lines. |
There should be a newline between these two lines. |
- Change Summary:
These are the things I have been experimenting, with keeping the Comment Dialog fixed to the page
- Branch:
- Commit:
- Change Summary:
Trying out Mike's proposed change
- Commit:
- Change Summary:
So I found a bug that move the dialog box down by 8 pixels for some reason, I plan to look into that further.
I also contained the box to the document, since when the box would go into a negativetop
value it would break the
Comment dialog box. - Commit:
- Change Summary:
This change will fix the bugs I had when the cursor would leave the content area.
- Commit:
- Change Summary:
Updated the description and the Summary.
- Summary:
[WIP] Docking the Comment Dialog when scrolling[WIP] Docking the Comment Dialog
- Description:
Comment Dialog: Docking
~ After digging around in the reviews.less, and commentDialogView.es6.js
~ files I found that property: absolute
was being set using jQuery.~ So I essentially updated the jQuery in order to have the dialog's ~ position:fixed
when scrolling. I also used jQuery to assign a~ top
value since the comment dialog would not appear otherwise.~ When reviews have the tendency to get longer the Comment Dialog
~ becomes harder to keep track of. To fix this,the comment ~ dialog has been docked to the page. This means when users open ~ up a comment, the dialog will stay on the page with the user ~ during the review process. ~ But now I have created a bug where when dragging the comment dialog
~ to change the position, when used to scroll along the page the dialog ~ box will run away from the cursor. This bug doesn't appear when ~ position: absolute
.~ ~ Users can drag around the dialog with ease with the use of
~ jQuery UI and standard jQuery mouse events. Functions have been ~ implemented to ensure that the Comment Dialog remains in the content ~ area. This is to prevent users from accidentally moving the dialog ~ off-screen. - My current theory is that the method used to affect the dialog's
- property, when dragging the dialog box, is what causes the bug. - This is a rough theory that and I am not entirely sure it's correct. - I am also unsure if I should use jQuery to affect the position
- property since I feel like this doesn't preserve a - "separation of concerns". - Commit:
Checks run (2 succeeded)
This can just be
.css('position', 'fixed')
.No need to construct an object.
If you want to keep it as an object, space after
. -
Only the comments before a function should be
. Regular multiline comments can use/*
.Same below.
Doc comments should be of the form:
* Single line summary (in imperitive mood).
* * Multi-line display.
* * Returns:
* returntype:
* Description of return value.
/ -
We generally use
statements in this case, e.g.function isAbove() { // ... }
Same with
below. -
This should be named something like
because it is a boolean. A variable namedtopPosition
would be, e.g., the y coordinate of the top position. -
Doc comments should be of the form:
* Single line summary (in imperitive mood).
* * Multi-line display.
* * Returns:
* returntype:
* Description of return value.
/ -
You can replace this with:
ui.helper.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top': `${ui.helper.scrollTop()}px`, });
- Change Summary:
Addressing some of Barret's comments
- Commit:
- Change Summary:
Added Unit Tests and updated comments
- Testing Done:
+ Ran and passed all of the JavaScript Unit Tests.
+ + I created a test to check whether the position was being set
+ correctly on mousedown
. - Commit:
- Change Summary:
Removing WIP tag, and editing some of the tests
- Summary:
[WIP] Docking the Comment DialogDocking the Comment Dialog
- Testing Done:
Ran and passed all of the JavaScript Unit Tests.
~ I created a test to check whether the position was being set
~ Added a new test to check whether the position was being set
correctly on mousedown
. - Commit:
Checks run (2 succeeded)
You could chain these jQuery methods to keep the code a bit more concise like this:
commentBox .on('mousdown', () => {...}) .on('mouseup', () => {...})
Is there a reason you need both
? Is it possible to condense these two lines down toconst top = commentBox.offset().top
? -
Your comment makes it super clear what the two conditions are to return true, but based on the names of these variables it's not super clear. Maybe you could try
(or something like that)?