Fish Trophy

misery got a fish trophy!

Fish Trophy

Avoid error message on "New Review Request page" for Mercurial < 3.9

Review Request #8778 — Created Feb. 24, 2017 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


If the repository hosting uses a Mercurial 3.7 it is possible to
get branches (/json-branches/) with the JSON API of hgweb. But it leads
to an error if reviewboard tries to fetch "/json-log/?rev=" as
it is not implemented.

Also avoid an error if Mercurial is really old and does not support
to get branches in JSON style with "/json-branches/".

Bugs closed: 4524

Opened "New Review Request page" and check if branch and commit list
works properly and does not contain errors.

Tested versions: 2.6.2, 3.0, 3.7.3, 4.1