Pull Request Integration

Review Request #7963 — Created Feb. 15, 2016 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Pull Request Integration Feature


This currently takes a GitHub payload containing pull request information and creates a new review request on Review Board. When a new review request is created, the GitHub commit is tagged with a status containing information about the review request. When an update is made to the pull request (synchronize), a new payload is sent and the associated review request is looked up from previously tagged information. After the review request is found, the updated pull request data overwrites the existing review request.
The status of the pull request on GitHub's side changes accordingly with the approval state of the review request.
A button exists to both merge the pull request and close the review request, when the review request has an approval status.

Payload is simulated to see how Review Board reacts. I test to see that a new Review Request is successfully created and that it is updated when a synchronize action is called.