When user opens an issue and selects "Ship it!", the email will say "Fix it, then Ship it!"

Review Request #7685 — Created Oct. 9, 2015 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


When user opens an issue and selects "Ship it!", the email will say "Fix it, then Ship it!" This bug was fixed by checking if the user opened an issue and saying "Fix it, then Ship it!" if they did.

Bug Description:
1. A user makes a review request
2. A reviewer opens an issue but gives a "Ship it!"
3. The review request page updates with the "Fix it, then Ship it!" label on the submitted review
4. The sent notification email incorrectly labels the review as "Ship it!". It should read "Fix it, then Ship it!"

Tested the behavior using the local development server and printed email to the terminal. The emails were sent with the correct content.

Ran and passed all unit tests.