Issue 2766: Web api 'review-requests' not returning draft review requests

Review Request #6328 — Created Sept. 16, 2014 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Added check for whether the user is admin in webapi/ If so, the _query function for ReviewRequestManager (reviews/ will query for both public and NON public (draft) review requests, as opposed to just querying for public ones.

  • Verified that admin accounts see draft reviews through /api/review-requests/?status=all, but normal accounts do not.
  • This change only affects the webapi, and not any other module that might use the ReviewRequestManager. Verifiedthat the "All Review Requests" page is unaffected here.
  • webapi and reviewboard module unit tests run and passed
  • Added unit tests for private review request visibility in the reviewboard and the webapi unit tests