Update much of the documentation for the Extensions Overview page.

Review Request #5382 — Created Feb. 1, 2014 and submitted


Review Board


Update much of the documentation for the Extensions Overview page.

This rewrites much of the docs to simplify some of the language, clarify
some points, to modernize how things work, and to link to more useful
Django docs.

The general structure is still left the same. My next change is going to
split up the page into more dedicated topic pages.

Generated the docs, read through it, and tested links.

I did add a link to a js-extensions page, which doesn't yet exist. It's a
placeholder for docs I'm writing. This "broken link" is intentional.

Description From Last Updated

"Python Eggs packages" is kind of awkward. Did you mean "Python Egg packages"?


This should probably also link to django-evolution for wroting evolutions to models.


Huh. What's happening here?


Because this moved, and you changed the first paragraph in this section, this no longer makes much sense. How about …

  2. Show all issues

    "Python Eggs packages" is kind of awkward. Did you mean "Python Egg packages"?

  3. Show all issues

    This should probably also link to django-evolution for wroting evolutions to models.

  4. docs/manual/extending/extensions/overview.rst (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    Huh. What's happening here?

    1. Huh. That is a good question. Indentation-related bug maybe? Will look into it.

    2. .rst files have a <span class="s">[spaces]</span> here, and the indentation stuff is gobbling characters for indentation. Yuck.

  5. Show all issues

    Because this moved, and you changed the first paragraph in this section, this no longer makes much sense. How about "If neither :py:attr:`settings` or :py:attr:`default_settings` contains the key ..."

    1. Hmm, why is your comment full of backslashes?

    2. codemirror was highlighting stuff when I added :py:... so I thought I needed to...

    3. Silly CodeMirror.. :/

      We may want to do some work on their highlighter.

  1. Ship It!

Review request changed