The Checklist Extension

Review Request #5007 — Created Nov. 18, 2013 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




The Checklist extension allows users to create a checklist when they are reviewing a request. This is useful for cases when there are many things to check for, and the reviewer may want to keep track of them. The app allows:

  • auto creation of a new checklist upon viewing a new review request
  • adding new items to the checklist
  • editing existing items
  • deleting items
  • checking off items
  • undoing checked items
  • minimizing checklist
  • maximizing checklist
  • deleting checklist

The extension is a seperate Django app, and does not modify any of the Reviewboard code. It can be enabled through the Admin page, in the Extension tab.

Manual testing on Chrome and Firefox:
- created checklists by viewing new review requests
- added items on the checklist
- deleted items on checklist
- modified items on checklist
- checking off items
- undoing checked items
- tested on different file attachments but same requests
- tested on different review requests
- tested on different users