If the summary is more than 300 chars Trim it down

Review Request #482 — Created July 31, 2008 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board SVN (deprecated)


When using post-review with perforce there is an error if the CL description has more that 300 chars without a newline. A SQL warning is generated (truncating summary) that will cause post0review to throw an error 500. There is an example of the error page in Bug 515. This is my first attempt in Python so the code may not be the best. I created a function that will truncate a string at the first '.' or after the 300th char.
I submitted and updated a review that had more than 300 chars without a \n and a '.'.
I submitted and updated a review that had more than 300 chars without a \n and did not have a '.' 
I submitted and updated a review that had more than 300 chars without a \n and had '.' after the 300th char