Improve our support for inline review UIs.

Review Request #4462 — Created Aug. 18, 2013 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Improve our support for inline review UIs.

The original codebase for review UIs prepared the groundwork for
displaying a review UI inline into part of a page, without needing its
own full Review Board page. It was never used in practice, and its
design assumed it would still sit alone on its own page, but a simple
one embedded in an iframe.

The new design allows it to be embedded into any container on a page.
That makes it easier to include in popups, the diff viewer, etc.

The defaut template now places all scripts inside of a new
review_ui_scripts block, which is placed in the correct place in
base.html. base_inline.html is stripped down to just include the page
content and scripts.

The ReviewUI class now provides a render_to_string function, which
render_to_response wraps. This does all the rendering of the template,
based on the parameters and ReviewUI configuration.

There's a template tag to render the ReviewUI into a template. It's
unused in this change, but will be used in an upcoming change.
Tested that image reviews still worked.

Tested with some pending changes for review UIs in the diff viewer.