Escaping text on hidden content dividers

Review Request #4330 — Created July 15, 2013 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


ReviewBoard shows you a certain amount of context around the changes. Above
this you're provided with two options...

  [+] 1005 lines
  [+] public void titlesModified(List<Title> titlesAdd, List<String> titlesDelete,

This is all fine and well, except in the case of content like that shown above.
'Title' coincidently belongs to an html tag, and including it breaks the html
parser for the page (as it would with '</script>' and a few other things). HTML
escaping these lines to prevent this.

The main visible result is that diff hunks beyond the first fail to load. In
firebug you get the error of...

  Uncaught ReferenceError: setFileAttachmentComments is not defined

This is probably the cause of...

This is available in the divider_escape branch of my repository...
Tested against a review with the above divider. It renders just fine and the page source shows that it is now escaped.