Clearcase Popen problem on buggy python 2.7.x

Review Request #3994 — Created March 23, 2013 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Original issue was descibed in
A console window would pop up every time popen is invoked on Windows 7 

Unfortunately, this fix has created a regression on other OSes!topic/reviewboard-dev/hbrKN_p5Rvo

The goal of this update is to prevent Popen shell=true unless Windows 7 and python 2.7.x

Please comment it, do not whenever it is the best place/way to implement such _popen_shell=T/F

this can be merged from
on windows 7 and python 2.7.3
_popen_shell = True

on windows XP and python 2.7.3
_popen_shell = False