Send email when closing review requests

Review Request #3707 — Created Dec. 29, 2012 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Optionally send emails when closing review requests.
Add a flag in the Email settings page that will allow for sending emails when
a review request is closed (Submitted/Discarded).
Files Changed:
* reviewboard/admin/
  + Added Boolean to store the value of "mail_send_review_close_mail" in settings
* reviewboard/notifications/
  + Added callback method for review_request_closed signal
* reviewboard/templates/notifications/review_request_email.html
* reviewboard/templates/notifications/review_request_email.txt
  + Added code to display the "Status" of the review request when its closed
    before the "Description" section.
* Tests:
  + Added test for review request closing
  + Modified other review related tests to fix counts or expected results
Added test for this feature and ran all tests. Verified in UI.