[WIP] "Ship-It!" Ships Ascii Art Extension

Review Request #3665 — Created Dec. 13, 2012 and submitted


Review Board


A Review Board Extension that allows modification to the
default "Ship-It!" message when publishing a review via
the "Ship It!" button.

The modifications to original "Ship-It!" text can be anything,
as demonstrated by the ship ascii art currently included by
the extension.

- To set up the configurable page
- Move the files out of /reviewboard/ to the appropriate
  extensions folder
- Trim out unnecessary stuff
- Possibly allow ascii art to be defined elsewhere?

(Note that while this is still WIP - you can download the diff
 and apply it to try it out!)
Manually tested with different ascii art patterns

Description From Last Updated

I think you also need a __init__.py under shipit_ascii_art_extension folder. Python complained at me when I tried to install this …

TI tinayang
  1. Oh man this is like a dream come true. :D Thanks for this! I'll look at it after my exams.
    1. Yeah this is pretty awesome :)
  1. I have installed and tried this extension, awesome job!
  2. This is slightly off topic but in sublime you can let sublime help you remove them annoying trailing white spaces on save by putting the following in your preference:
    "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true
  3. Show all issues
    I think you also need a __init__.py under shipit_ascii_art_extension folder. Python complained at me when I tried to install this extension without it. Perhaps you forgot to include it in the patch?
  4. I know this is a 'TODO' item, but one easy way (pattern) I can think of is by just randomizing it with something like:
    review.body_top += ship_art_dict[random.choice(ship_art_dict.keys())]
    what do you think?
  5. This is looking great! Couple of suggestions for future features from a blackbox/user perspective:
    * It would be nice if there is some sort of indication that there will be an ascii art attached to the 'ship-it'. For example, beside the 'ship-it' check-box there could be a 'include ascii ship' check-box. Which means each user can choose if they want the ascii art or not for different code reviews.
    * It would be nice if the user gets to see the ascii art in the edit review dialogue before sending (and have a chance to change the art, for example, toggling the 'include ascii ship' check-box will choose a new ship to be attached)
    - Possibly allow ascii art to be defined elsewhere?
    Yes I was thinking about that too. Is there a more dynamic way of loading in ascii arts? I try looking for other options and their trade-offs.
  1. This is the best thing I've ever seen in my life
    1. I promise to finish this as soon as I get through midterms and projects =)
    2.             _
                (  :
               __\  \  _____
             (____)  `|
            (____)|   |
  1. I've done some clean-up and pushed this to rb-extension-pack (ff27b65).

Review request changed