Rewrite file attachment javascript templating.
Review Request #3587 — Created Nov. 29, 2012 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded
Rewrite file attachment javascript templating. When uploading file attachments through the web UI, the box shown on the page would be created from javascript instead of from a django template. The code that did this wasn't quite at parity with the html that was generated when loading the page to begin with. Most annoyingly, it didn't have a link to the review UI (if one existed). It also didn't do any of the new caption stuff that I added. The code now uses _.template for the full case, and simplifies the placeholder case (and fixes it to actually contain a spinner).
- Uploaded a bunch of files, both through the "Add file" dialog and DnD. - Verified that the "Review" link was correct when there was a review UI. - Checked that the generated HTML was the same as when reloading the page. - Commented out the code that replaces the placeholder and verifiend the appearance of the spinner.