Weekly headlines command

Review Request #2959 — Created March 15, 2012 and discarded


Review Board


Original idea from google code wiki:
Finding out what's been happening on Review Board isn't always easy. It might be worthwhile to have users be able to opt-in to weekly email updates from Review Board that tell them useful things about the groups that they belong to. In particular, it could mention things about:
- Outstanding reviews that they could / should tackle
- A list of review requests that have been marked submitted, and which ones have been discarded
- A list of new review requests
- Perhaps something like, "the top reviewer of the week"
- Perhaps more... 
Successfully printed "Hello from Weekly Headlines" when typing "./reviewboard/manage.py weekly-headlines".
Description From Last Updated

Two blank lines.


Comments must always be in sentence form.


Keep lines under 80 characters

DD ddruska

Blank lines around each loop or other block. Basic rule: If there's code before/after an if statement or loop on …


Missing whitespace after the "," in lambda, and also after the ":" right after lambda

DD ddruska

Only one space after the second ","

DD ddruska
  1. You have the basics down, but this is a bit too early for a review.
    I will say to make sure you're following pep8 conventions with spacing between imports and the class.
  1. Looks like a decent start. I want to figure out what the plan is going forward, though.
    Is the idea to have one e-mail that goes out to everyone, or to have e-mails, say, per-person? If so, these queries are going to change. If it's for everyone, then that's fine for tiny installs, but won't scale up to organizations of thousands of people (most of whom don't care about anybody outside their immediate group).
    So maybe make this flexible. Take some parameters for specifying one or more group names (and use those in the queries), or usernames. The output should be customized based on those parameters.
    Look at reviews/managers.py for various query options. You'll want to use these because they take into account LocalSites (which are very important -- an installation with LocalSites must never see info on each other).
  2. Show all issues
    Two blank lines.
  3. Show all issues
    Comments must always be in sentence form.
  4. Show all issues
    Blank lines around each loop or other block.
    Basic rule: If there's code before/after an if statement or loop on the same indentation level, use a blank line to separate them.
  2. Show all issues
    Keep lines under 80 characters
  3. Show all issues
    Missing whitespace after the "," in lambda, and also after the ":" right after lambda
  4. Show all issues
    Only one space after the second ","
Review request changed