Maximized issue summary table width to occupy entire block

Review Request #2816 — Created Jan. 22, 2012 and submitted


Review Board


Maximized issue summary table width to occupy entire block.
Removed unnecessary style rules.
Local machine: Ubuntu/Chromium.


Description From Last Updated

Why do we need the wrapper? Can we not just apply this margin to the table class itself?


My CSS is a little rusty, and my LessCSS skills need some tuning, but why exactly do we need to …

  1. Yazan:
    This looks pretty good - just one question (see below).
    Also, we talked today about possibly zebra-striping this table for easier readability, and to add a little stub to each row to indicate the state of each issue.  Did you want to take care of that in this review request?  Or are you going to open a new one for that?
    1. That would be in a different review request. Thanks Mike.
  2. reviewboard/htdocs/media/rb/css/reviews.less (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues
    Why do we need the wrapper?  Can we not just apply this margin to the table class itself?
    1. Since the width of the table is 100%, adding a margin will cause the table to overflow out the right side of the parent box. So I had to add a wrapper div to contain the table.
  1. Yaz:
    Just one tiny question - modulo that, everything looks good!
  2. Show all issues
    My CSS is a little rusty, and my LessCSS skills need some tuning, but why exactly do we need to define the height of an anchor here?
    1. We need to have a fixed height in order to force the text to "overflow", otherwise the description will occupy multiple lines.
      text-overflow: hidden; and white-space: nowrap; will not work. Even though text will "visually" overflow horizontally, it will not "technically" overflow since there is no fixed width. This could work if we had a fixed width that'll change on resize. I tried that approach during the sprint and it was not very reliable.
      Having a fixed height was the cleanest approach I could come up with.
      There are some jquery plugins that handle ellipsis ( but I feel that that would be overkill for this scenario.
    2. Is this issue settled?
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Committed as 3a7431bd1b